package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.graph; import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.graph.Graph; import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.graph.GraphStatistic; import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.metrics.Metric; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Conversions; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ListExtensions; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class PartialInterpretationGraph extends Graph { private final String typeToExclude = "undefinedpart"; private final String classSuffix = " class"; /** * Define a new PartialInterpretationGraph by parse every element from a PartialInterpretation */ public PartialInterpretationGraph(final PartialInterpretation partial, final List metrics, final String name) { final Consumer _function = (RelationDeclaration it) -> { String n = it.getName().split(" ")[0]; this.statistic.addEdgeType(n); }; Iterables.filter(partial.getProblem().getRelations(), RelationDeclaration.class).forEach(_function); final Iterable typeInterpretations = this.getTypes(partial); for (final PartialComplexTypeInterpretationImpl type : typeInterpretations) { boolean _isConcreteType = this.isConcreteType(type.getInterpretationOf()); if (_isConcreteType) { String typeName = type.getInterpretationOf().getName().replace(this.classSuffix, ""); EList _elements = type.getElements(); for (final DefinedElement node : _elements) { boolean _containsNode = this.statistic.containsNode(node); boolean _not = (!_containsNode); if (_not) { this.statistic.addNodeWithType(node, typeName); } else { String currentType = ((String[])Conversions.unwrapArray(this.statistic.getTypesForNode(node), String.class))[0]; boolean _isSuperType = this.isSuperType(currentType, type.getInterpretationOf()); if (_isSuperType) { this.statistic.overwriteCurrentType(node, typeName); } } } } } EList _partialrelationinterpretation = partial.getPartialrelationinterpretation(); for (final PartialRelationInterpretation relationInterpretation : _partialrelationinterpretation) { { final String type_1 = relationInterpretation.getInterpretationOf().getName().split(" ")[0]; Iterable _filter = Iterables.filter(relationInterpretation.getRelationlinks(), BinaryElementRelationLink.class); for (final BinaryElementRelationLink edge : _filter) { this.statistic.addEdge(edge.getParam1(), edge.getParam2(), type_1); } } } = name; this.metrics = metrics; } /** * recursively check if a type is the super type of another */ public boolean isSuperType(final String typeName, final Type subtypeToCheck) { EList superTypes = subtypeToCheck.getSupertypes(); int _size = superTypes.size(); boolean _equals = (_size == 0); if (_equals) { return false; } else { final Function1 _function = (Type it) -> { return it.getName().replace(this.classSuffix, ""); }; boolean _contains =, _function).contains(typeName); if (_contains) { return true; } else { for (final Type superType : superTypes) { boolean _isSuperType = this.isSuperType(typeName, superType); if (_isSuperType) { return true; } } return false; } } } /** * Check if a Type object is the class that we want to consider * A type object is to be considered if it satisfy one of the following: * 1. if it is not abstract * 2. if it is abstract but has a subclass of type TypeDefinition (This means the generation is * started with nodes in this type) */ public boolean isConcreteType(final Type t) { if (((!t.isIsAbstract()) || (IterableExtensions.findFirst(t.getSubtypes(), ((Function1) (Type it) -> { return Boolean.valueOf((it instanceof TypeDefinition)); })) != null))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Set basic information for the output */ @Override public void setBasicInformation(final ArrayList> output) { final ArrayList metaInfo = new ArrayList(); metaInfo.add(Graph.META_MODEL_HEADER); metaInfo.add(this.metaModel); final ArrayList edgeInfo = new ArrayList(); edgeInfo.add(Graph.NUM_EDGE_TYPE_HEADER); int _size = this.statistic.getAllTypes().size(); String _plus = (Integer.valueOf(_size) + ""); edgeInfo.add(_plus); final ArrayList nodeInfo = new ArrayList(); nodeInfo.add(Graph.NUM_NODE_HEADER); int _size_1 = this.statistic.getAllNodes().size(); String _plus_1 = (Integer.valueOf(_size_1) + ""); nodeInfo.add(_plus_1); final ArrayList stateInfo = new ArrayList(); stateInfo.add(Graph.STATE_ID_HEADER); stateInfo.add(; output.add(metaInfo); output.add(edgeInfo); output.add(nodeInfo); output.add(stateInfo); } private Iterable getTypes(final PartialInterpretation partial) { final Function1 _function = (PartialComplexTypeInterpretationImpl it) -> { boolean _contains = it.getInterpretationOf().getName().toLowerCase().contains(this.typeToExclude); return Boolean.valueOf((!_contains)); }; return IterableExtensions.filter(Iterables.filter(partial.getPartialtypeinterpratation(), PartialComplexTypeInterpretationImpl.class), _function); } @Override public GraphStatistic getStatistic() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub"); } @Override public String getName() { return; } }