package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.predictor import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.distance.StateData import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import weka.core.matrix.LinearRegression import weka.core.matrix.Matrix class LinearModel { var double ridge; var Map stateAndHistory; List samples; new(double ridge){ this.ridge = ridge; stateAndHistory = new HashMap(); samples = new ArrayList(); } /** * reset the current train data for regression to a new trajectory * @param state: the last state of the trajectory */ def resetRegression(Object state){ samples.clear(); if(stateAndHistory.containsKey(state)){ var data = stateAndHistory.get(state); var curState = state; samples.add(data); //loop through data until the oldest state in the record while(stateAndHistory.containsKey(data.lastState) && data.lastState != curState){ curState = data.lastState; data = stateAndHistory.get(data.lastState); samples.add(data); } } } /** * Add a new data point to the current training set * @param state: the state on which the new data point is calculated * @param features: the set of feature value(x) * @param value: the value of the state (y) * @param lastState: the state which transformed to current state, used to record the trajectory */ def feedData(Object state, double[] features, double value, Object lastState){ var data = new StateData(features, value, lastState); stateAndHistory.put(state, data); samples.add(data); } /** * get prediction for next state, without storing the data point into the training set * @param features: the feature values of current state * @param value: the value of the current state * @param: featuresToPredict: the features of the state wanted to be predected * @return the value of the state to be predicted */ def double getPredictionForNextDataSample(double[] features, double value, double[] featuresToPredict){ var data = new StateData(features, value, null); samples.add(data); // create training set from current data val double[][] xSamples =[it.features]; val double[] ySamples =[it.value]; val x = new Matrix(xSamples); val y = new Matrix(ySamples, ySamples.size()); val regression = new LinearRegression(x, y, ridge); var prediction = predict(regression.coefficients, featuresToPredict); //remove the last element just added samples.remove(samples.size - 1); return prediction; } def private predict(double[] parameters, double[] featuresToPredict){ // the regression will add an initial column for 1's, the first parameter is constant term var result = parameters.get(0); for(var i = 0; i < featuresToPredict.length; i++){ result += parameters.get(i) * featuresToPredict.get(i); } return result; } }