package import import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.metrics.MetricSampleGroup import /** * Read the sample of the distribution of a metric provided the csv file of the metric */ class RepMetricsReader { static def read(Domain d){ var reader = new GraphReader(YakindummPackageImpl.eINSTANCE); var domainRepPath = DataName.REP_PATH + + '/'; var rep = new MetricSampleGroup() var out_d = readMetrics(reader, domainRepPath + DataName.OUT_D_REP); rep.mpcSamples = readMetrics(reader, domainRepPath + DataName.MPC_REP).mpcSamples; rep.outDegreeSamples = out_d.outDegreeSamples; rep.naSamples = readMetrics(reader, domainRepPath + DataName.NA_REP).naSamples; rep.typedOutDegreeSamples = out_d.typedOutDegreeSamples; rep.edgeTypeSamples = out_d.edgeTypeSamples; rep.nodeTypeSamples = out_d.nodeTypeSamples; return rep; } /** * Read representative model */ private static def readMetrics(GraphReader r, String path){ var model = r.readModels(path).head; return model.evaluateAllMetricsToSamples(); } } class DataName{ public static val REP_PATH = 'data/'; public static val MPC_REP = 'mpc_rep'; public static val NA_REP = 'na_rep'; public static val OUT_D_REP = 'out_d_rep'; }