package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.graph import ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.realistic.metrics.calculator.metrics.Metric import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.List import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference class EMFGraph extends Graph{ def void init (EObject root, List metrics, String name, List referenceTypes){ val otherContents = root.eAllContents.toList(); otherContents.add(root); init(otherContents, metrics, name, referenceTypes); } /** * init the graph with all nodes and reference types in the meta model * @param objects: objects in the instance model (exclude root) * @param metrics: metrics to be evaluated * @param name: name of the instance model * @param ReferenceTypes: reference types defined in the meta model */ def void init(List objects, List metrics, String name, List referenceTypes){ objects.forEach[it| statistic.addNode(it); ] referenceTypes.forEach[it| statistic.addType(it); ]; objects.forEach[source| source.eClass.EAllReferences.forEach[r| //add the type first (if it is not added already) //many references if(r.isMany){ source.getNeighbours(r).forEach[target| addEdge(source, target, r); ] }else{ //single references val target = source.eGet(r) as EObject; addEdge(source, target, r); } ] ] this.metrics = metrics; = name; } /** * Set basic information for the output */ override setBasicInformation(ArrayList> output){ val metaInfo = new ArrayList(); metaInfo.add(META_MODEL_HEADER); metaInfo.add(this.metaModel); val edgeInfo = new ArrayList(); edgeInfo.add(NUM_EDGE_TYPE_HEADER); edgeInfo.add(this.statistic.allTypes.size()+""); val nodeInfo = new ArrayList(); nodeInfo.add(NUM_NODE_HEADER); nodeInfo.add(this.statistic.allNodes.size()+""); val stateInfo = new ArrayList(); stateInfo.add(STATE_ID_HEADER); stateInfo.add(; output.add(metaInfo); output.add(edgeInfo); output.add(nodeInfo); output.add(stateInfo); } def EList getNeighbours(EObject o, EReference r){ return (o.eGet(r, true) as EList); } def addEdge(EObject source, EObject target, EReference r){ if(target !== null && r !== null){ statistic.addEdge(source, target,; } } override GraphStatistic getStatistic(){ return this.statistic; } override String getName(){ return; } def void setMetaModel(String model){ this.metaModel = model; } def String getMetaModel(){ return this.metaModel; } }