package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XBinaryOperation; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XExpression; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XFeatureCall; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XNumberLiteral; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NumericProblemSolver { private static final String N_Base = "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib."; private static final String N_PLUS = "operator_plus"; private static final String N_MINUS = "operator_minus"; private static final String N_POWER = "operator_power"; private static final String N_MULTIPLY = "operator_multiply"; private static final String N_DIVIDE = "operator_divide"; private static final String N_MODULO = "operator_modulo"; private static final String N_LESSTHAN = "operator_lessThan"; private static final String N_LESSEQUALSTHAN = "operator_lessEqualsThan"; private static final String N_GREATERTHAN = "operator_greaterThan"; private static final String N_GREATEREQUALTHAN = "operator_greaterEqualsThan"; private static final String N_EQUALS = "operator_equals"; private static final String N_NOTEQUALS = "operator_notEquals"; private static final String N_EQUALS3 = "operator_tripleEquals"; private static final String N_NOTEQUALS3 = "operator_tripleNotEquals"; private Context ctx; private Solver s; private Map templates; private Map> bindings; private BoolExpr test; public NumericProblemSolver() { HashMap cfg = new HashMap(); cfg.put("model", "true"); ctx = new Context(cfg); s = ctx.mkSolver(); templates = new HashMap(); bindings = new HashMap>(); } public Context getNumericProblemContext() { return ctx; } public void formNumericProblemTemplate(XExpression e) throws Exception { if (!(e instanceof XBinaryOperation)) { throw new Exception ("error in check expression!!!"); } String name = ((XBinaryOperation) e).getFeature().getQualifiedName(); BoolExpr constraint = null; ArithExpr left_operand = formNumericProblemTemplateHelper(((XBinaryOperation) e).getLeftOperand()); ArithExpr right_operand = formNumericProblemTemplateHelper(((XBinaryOperation) e).getRightOperand()); if (nameEndsWith(name, N_LESSTHAN)) { constraint = ctx.mkLt(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_LESSEQUALSTHAN)) { constraint = ctx.mkLe(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_GREATERTHAN)) { constraint = ctx.mkGt(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_GREATEREQUALTHAN)) { constraint = ctx.mkGe(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_EQUALS)) { constraint = ctx.mkEq(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_NOTEQUALS)) { constraint = ctx.mkDistinct(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_EQUALS3)) { constraint = ctx.mkGe(left_operand, right_operand); // ??? } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_NOTEQUALS3)) { constraint = ctx.mkGe(left_operand, right_operand); // ??? } else { throw new Exception ("Unsupported binary operation " + name); } templates.put(e, constraint); HashMap>> matches = new HashMap>>(); Object o1 = new Object(); Object o2 = new Object(); List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(o1); list.add(o2); Set> set = new HashSet>(); set.add(list); matches.put(e, set); System.out.println("************************"); System.out.println(this.isSatisfiable(matches)); } // TODO: add variable: state of the solver private ArithExpr formNumericProblemTemplateHelper(XExpression e) throws Exception { ArithExpr expr = null; // Variables if (e instanceof XFeatureCall) { String var_name = ((XFeatureCall) e).getFeature().getQualifiedName(); expr = (ArithExpr) ctx.mkConst(ctx.mkSymbol(var_name), ctx.getIntSort()); } // Constants else if (e instanceof XNumberLiteral) { String value = ((XNumberLiteral) e).getValue(); try{ int val = Integer.parseInt(value); expr = (ArithExpr) ctx.mkInt(val);} catch(NumberFormatException err){} } // Expressions with operators else if (e instanceof XBinaryOperation) { String name = ((XBinaryOperation) e).getFeature().getQualifiedName(); ArithExpr left_operand = formNumericProblemTemplateHelper(((XBinaryOperation) e).getLeftOperand()); ArithExpr right_operand = formNumericProblemTemplateHelper(((XBinaryOperation) e).getRightOperand()); if (nameEndsWith(name, N_PLUS)) { expr = ctx.mkAdd(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_MINUS)) { expr = ctx.mkAdd(left_operand, ctx.mkUnaryMinus(right_operand)); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_POWER)) { expr = ctx.mkPower(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_MULTIPLY)) { expr = ctx.mkMul(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_DIVIDE)) { expr = ctx.mkDiv(left_operand, right_operand); } else if (nameEndsWith(name, N_MODULO)) { expr = ctx.mkMod((IntExpr)left_operand, (IntExpr)right_operand); } else { throw new Exception ("Unsupported binary operation " + name); } } else { throw new Exception ("Unsupported expression " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); } return expr; } private boolean nameEndsWith(String name, String end) { return name.startsWith(N_Base) && name.endsWith(end); } public boolean isSatisfiable(Map>> matches) throws Exception { boolean sat = false; BoolExpr problemInstance = formNumericProblemInstance(matches); s.add(problemInstance); if (s.check() == Status.SATISFIABLE) { sat = true; } else { sat = false; } return sat; } // public Map getOneSolution(List, Map>> matches) { // Map sol = new HashMap(); // BoolExpr problemInstance = formNumericProblemInstance(matches); // s.add(problemInstance); // if (s.check() == Status.SATISFIABLE) { // //TODO: Form the map here // } // return sol; // } private BoolExpr formNumericProblemInstance(Map>> matches) throws Exception { BoolExpr constraintInstances = ctx.mkTrue(); for (XExpression e: matches.keySet()) { BoolExpr template = templates.get(e); Set> matchSets = matches.get(e); Map varMap = bindings.get(e); if (varMap == null) { varMap = new HashMap(); bindings.put(e, varMap); } for (List aMatch: matchSets) { Expr[] expressions = template.getArgs().clone(); formNumericProblemInstance(expressions, aMatch, varMap, 0); constraintInstances = ctx.mkAnd(constraintInstances, formConstraintInstance(template, expressions)); } } return constraintInstances; } // TODO: Create a new exception class?? private BoolExpr formConstraintInstance(BoolExpr template, Expr[] expressions) throws Exception { if (expressions.length != 2) { throw new Exception("Wrong format"); } BoolExpr inst = ctx.mkTrue(); ArithExpr leftOperand = (ArithExpr) expressions[0]; ArithExpr rightOperand = (ArithExpr) expressions[1]; if (template.isLE()) { inst = ctx.mkLe(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else if (template.isLT()) { inst = ctx.mkLt(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else if (template.isGE()) { inst = ctx.mkGe(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else if (template.isGT()) { inst = ctx.mkGt(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else if (template.isEq()) { inst = ctx.mkEq(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else if (template.isDistinct()) { inst = ctx.mkDistinct(leftOperand, rightOperand); } else { throw new Exception("Something went wrong"); } return inst; } // TODO: This is not gonna work....How to plug in matched objects to the template??? private void formNumericProblemInstance(Expr[] expr, List match, Map varMap, int ind) { for (int i = 0; i < expr.length; i++) { if (expr[i].isConst()) { expr[i] = ctx.mkConst(expr[i].toString(), ctx.getIntSort()); } else if (expr[i].getArgs().length > 0) { formNumericProblemInstance(expr[i].getArgs(), match, varMap, ind); } } } }