package import import import import import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.matchers.psystem.PVariable import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XBinaryOperation import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XExpression import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XFeatureCall import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XIfExpression import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XMemberFeatureCall import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XNumberLiteral import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XUnaryOperation import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XBlockExpression class ExpressionEvaluation2Logic { val extension LogicProblemBuilder builder = new LogicProblemBuilder var NumericProblemSolver _numericSolver = null //new NumericProblemSolver def getNumericSolver() { if(_numericSolver === null) { // it seems like this getter has no use _numericSolver = new NumericZ3ProblemSolver(-1) } return _numericSolver } def Term transformCheck(XExpression expression, Map variable2Variable) { return expression.transform(variable2Variable) } def Term transformEval(PVariable target, XExpression expression, Map variable2Variable) { // numericSolver.testIsNotSat(expression, expression.transform(variable2Variable)); // numericSolver.testGetOneSol(expression, expression.transform(variable2Variable)); // numericSolver.testGetOneSol2(expression, expression.transform(variable2Variable)); // numericSolver.testGetOneSol3(expression, expression.transform(variable2Variable)); // numericSolver.testIsSat(expression, expression.transform(variable2Variable)); return expression.transform(variable2Variable) } static val N_Base = "org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib." static val N_PLUS1 = "operator_plus" static val N_MINUS1 = "operator_minus" static val N_MINUS2 = "operator_minus" static val N_PLUS2 = "operator_plus" static val N_POWER = "operator_power" static val N_MULTIPLY = "operator_multiply" static val N_DIVIDE = "operator_divide" static val N_MODULO = "operator_modulo" static val N_LESSTHAN = "operator_lessThan" static val N_LESSEQUALSTHAN = "operator_lessEqualsThan" static val N_GREATERTHAN = "operator_greaterThan" static val N_GREATEREQUALTHAN = "operator_greaterEqualsThan" static val N_EQUALS = "operator_equals" static val N_NOTEQUALS = "operator_notEquals" static val N_EQUALS3 = "operator_tripleEquals" static val N_NOTEQUALS3 = "operator_tripleNotEquals" protected def isN(String name, String s) { val res = name.startsWith(N_Base) && name.endsWith(s) //println('''[«res»] «name» ?= «N_Base»*«s»''') return res } static val N_POWER2 = "java.lang.Math.pow" def protected dispatch Term transform(XBinaryOperation e, Map variable2Variable) { val left = e.leftOperand.transform(variable2Variable) val right = e.rightOperand.transform(variable2Variable) val feature = e.feature.qualifiedName if(feature.isN(N_MINUS2)) { return Minus(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_PLUS2)) { return Plus(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_POWER)) { return Pow(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_MULTIPLY)) { return Multiply(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_DIVIDE)) { return Divide(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_MODULO)) { return Modulo(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_LESSTHAN)) { return LessThan(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_LESSEQUALSTHAN)) { return LessOrEqual(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_GREATERTHAN)) { return MoreThan(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_GREATEREQUALTHAN)) { return MoreOrEqual(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_EQUALS)) { return Equals(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_NOTEQUALS)) { return Distinct(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_EQUALS3)) { return Equals(left,right) } else if(feature.isN(N_NOTEQUALS3)) { return Distinct(left,right) } else { println("-> " + e.feature+","+e.class) println("-> " + e.leftOperand) println("-> " + e.rightOperand) println("-> " + e.feature.qualifiedName) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported binary operator feature: "«e.feature.class.simpleName»" - «e»''') } } def protected dispatch Term transform(XUnaryOperation e, Map variable2Variable) { val operand = e.operand.transform(variable2Variable) val feature = e.feature.qualifiedName if(feature.isN(N_MINUS1)) { return Minus(0.asTerm,operand)} else if(feature.isN(N_PLUS1)) { return operand} else{ println("-> " + e.feature+","+e.class) println("-> " + e.operand) println("-> " + e.feature.qualifiedName) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported unary operator feature: "«e.feature.class.simpleName»" - «e»''') } } def protected dispatch Term transform(XMemberFeatureCall e, Map variable2Variable) { val transformedArguments =[transform(variable2Variable)] val feature = e.feature.qualifiedName if(feature == N_POWER2) { return Pow(transformedArguments.get(0),transformedArguments.get(1)) }else { println(e.feature+","+e.class) println(e.actualArguments.join(", ")) println(e.feature.qualifiedName) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported feature call: "«e.feature.qualifiedName»" - «e»''') } } def protected dispatch Term transform(XFeatureCall e, Map variable2Variable) { val featureName = e.feature.qualifiedName val entryWithName = variable2Variable.entrySet.filter[ == featureName].head if(entryWithName !== null) { return entryWithName.value.toTerm } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Feature call reference to unavailable variable "«featureName»"''') } } def protected dispatch Term transform(XNumberLiteral l, Map variable2Variable) { val s = l.value try{ return Integer.parseInt(s).asTerm } catch(NumberFormatException e){} try{ return Short.parseShort(s).asTerm } catch(NumberFormatException e){} try{ return Double.parseDouble(s).asTerm } catch(NumberFormatException e){} try{ return Float.parseFloat(s).asTerm } catch(NumberFormatException e){} throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported numeric type: "«s»"''') } def protected dispatch Term transform(XIfExpression i, Map variable2Variable) { val cond_op = i.^if.transform(variable2Variable) val then_op = i.then.transform(variable2Variable) val else_op = i.^else.transform(variable2Variable) if (cond_op === null) { println("-> " + i.^if) println("-> " + i.then) println("-> " + i.^else) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Your ITE statement has a null condition.''') } if (then_op === null) { println("-> " + i.^if) println("-> " + i.then) println("-> " + i.^else) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Your ITE statement has a null "then" statement"".''') } return ITE(cond_op, then_op, else_op) } def protected dispatch Term transform(XBlockExpression b, Map variable2Variable) { val exprs = newArrayList for(e:b.expressions){ exprs.add(transform(e, variable2Variable)) } if (exprs.size > 1) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''blocks with more than 1 statement are not currently supportes: "«exprs»"''') if (exprs.isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''blocks is empty: "«exprs»"''') return exprs.get(0) } def protected dispatch Term transform(XExpression e, Map variable2Variable) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported expression: "«e.class.simpleName»" - «e»''') } }