package import import import import import import java.math.BigDecimal import java.util.HashMap import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.SortedSet import java.util.TreeSet import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Procedures.Procedure0 abstract class LogicReasoner { def abstract LogicResult solve(LogicProblem problem, LogicSolverConfiguration configuration, ReasonerWorkspace workspace) throws LogicReasonerException def abstract List getInterpretations(ModelResult modelResult) } public class LogicReasonerException extends Exception { new(String message, Exception cause) { super(message, cause) } new(Exception cause) { super("The reasoner has failed", cause) } new(String message) { super(message) } } abstract class LogicSolverConfiguration { public static val Unlimited = -1; public static val String UndefinedPath = null /** The URI string to the independent solver application */ public String solverPath = UndefinedPath /** Max runtime limit in seconds. */ public int runtimeLimit = Unlimited /** Max runtime limit in seconds. */ public int memoryLimit = Unlimited /** Documentation level of the solver. */ public DocumentationLevel documentationLevel = DocumentationLevel::NONE /** Progress monitor for the solver to *
  • (optionally) report progress via {@link progressMonitor.worked}
  • *
  • (optionally) inform about cancellation request via {@link progressMonitor.isCancelled} * or via a listener registered by {@link progressMonitor.addCancelListener}
  • */ public SolverProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new NullSolverProgressMonitor public var TypeScopes typeScopes = new TypeScopes; public var SolutionScope solutionScope = new SolutionScope } /** * Describes the amount of debug information required to write to the workspace. * */ public enum DocumentationLevel { /** * The solver writes only temporary files. */ NONE, /** * The solver is requested to write important artifacts and documents that are constructed during the generation. * This option should not affect the performance of the solver seriously. */ NORMAL, /** * The solver is requested create additional documents to aid troubleshooting. * The documents can constructed at the cost of performance. */ FULL } /** * Defines the the size of the generated models. Constant Unlimited defines no upper limit to the type. */ public class TypeScopes { public static val Unlimited = -1; /** * Sets the Integers that are already in the scope of the problem. */ public var SortedSet knownIntegers = new TreeSet /** * Sets the number of Integers that has to be used to solve the problem. */ public var minNewIntegers = 0 public var maxNewIntegers = Unlimited public var SortedSet knownReals = new TreeSet /** * Sets the number of Reals that has to be used to solve the problem. */ public var minNewReals = 0 public var maxNewReals = Unlimited public var SortedSet knownStrings = new TreeSet /** * Sets the number of Strings that has to be used to solve the problem. */ public var minNewStrings = 0 public var maxNewStrings = Unlimited /** * Defines the minimal number of newly added elements. Default value is 0. */ public var minNewElements = 0 /** * Defines the maximal number of newly added elements. Default value is TypeScopes.Unlimited. */ public var maxNewElements = Unlimited /** * */ public var Map minNewElementsByType = new HashMap /** * */ public var Map maxNewElementsByType = new HashMap } /** * Defines the required number of solutions for the problem. * Constant All defines that all solution for the problem is requested. */ public class SolutionScope { public static val All = -1; public var numberOfRequiredSolution = 1 } /** Progress monitor class for a solver to *
  • (optionally) report progress via {@link worked}
  • *
  • (optionally) inform about cancellation request via {@link isCancelled} * or via a listener registered by {@link addCancelListener}
  • */ public abstract class SolverProgressMonitor { protected var volatile cancelled = false protected var progress = 0.0 /** * Method to report progress, e.g. finishing translation or founding one of the model. * The sum of all {@link amount} should be 1.0, which is reached when all model is generated. * By default, * forward transformation should take 0.1 work unit (implemented in {@link#workedForwardTransformation}), * founding all solution 0.8 (implemented in {@link#workedModelFound}) * and backward transformation 0.1 again (implemented in {@link#workedBackwardTransformation}). */ def public void worked(double amount) { progress+=amount processWorked(amount) } def public void workedForwardTransformation() {worked(0.1)} def public void workedModelFound(int numberOfRequestedModels) { if(numberOfRequestedModels > 0) { worked(0.8/numberOfRequestedModels) } } def public void workedSearchFinished() { worked(0.1+0.8-progress) } def public void workedBackwardTransformation(int numberOfFoundModels) {worked(0.1/numberOfFoundModels)} def public void workedBackwardTransformationFinished() { worked(1.0-progress) } protected def void processWorked(double amount) /** * Requesting the solver to stop with the solutions already found. * It is not guaranteed however that the solver finishes. */ def public void cancel() { cancelled = true } def public boolean isCancelled() { cancelled } } public class NullSolverProgressMonitor extends SolverProgressMonitor { override protected processWorked(double amount) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("TODO: auto-generated method stub") } }