package import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import java.math.BigDecimal import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Collections import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.List import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1 @Data class FunctionDescription { Iterable parameters TypeReference range } class LogicProblemBuilderException extends Exception { new(String reason) { super(reason) } } public class LogicProblemBuilder{ val protected extension LogiclanguageFactory logicFactiory = LogiclanguageFactory.eINSTANCE val protected extension LogicproblemFactory problemFactory = LogicproblemFactory.eINSTANCE val protected advancedConstructs = new LogicProblemBuilder_AdvancedConstructs(this) def public createProblem(){ createLogicProblem } // Names def protected String canonize(CharSequence name) { if(name == null) return "" val result = name.toString.split("\\s+"); if(result.size == 1) { val element = result.get(0); if(element == "bool" || element == "int" || element == "real") throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Reserved keyword "«element»"!''') else return result.join(' ') } else return result.join(' ') } def protected String generateUniqueName(Iterable previous, Function1 namer) { var int i = 0 var generateNew = false; var String finalName; do { i = i+1; val nameCandidate = namer.apply(i) finalName = nameCandidate generateNew = previous.exists[equals(nameCandidate)] } while(generateNew) return finalName } // Type builders def public Element(CharSequence elementName) { return createDefinedElement => [x| = elementName.canonize] } def public Element() { return createDefinedElement } def public TypeDeclaration(CharSequence name, boolean isAbstract) { TypeDeclaration => [x | = name.canonize x.isAbstract = isAbstract] } def public TypeDeclaration() { createTypeDeclaration } def public TypeDefinition(CharSequence name, boolean isAbstract, DefinedElement... elements) { TypeDefinition(name, isAbstract, elements as Iterable) } def public TypeDefinition(CharSequence name, boolean isAbstract, Iterable elements) { createTypeDefinition => [x | = name.canonize x.isAbstract = isAbstract x.elements += elements ] } def public Supertype(Type subtype, Type supertype) { subtype.supertypes+=supertype } def public SetSupertype(Type subtype, Type supertype, boolean value) { if(value) subtype.supertypes+=supertype else subtype.subtypes-=supertype } // Type add def public add(LogicProblem problem, Type type) { problem.nameIfAnonymType(type) problem.types+=type if(type instanceof TypeDefinition) { problem.elements+=type.elements } return type } def protected dispatch nameIfAnonymType(LogicProblem problem, Type typeDeclaration) { if( =[].generateUniqueName[i | '''type «i.toString»'''] } def protected dispatch nameIfAnonymType(LogicProblem problem, TypeDefinition typeDefinition) { if( =[].generateUniqueName[i | '''type «i.toString»'''] for(element : typeDefinition.elements) if( =[].generateUniqueName[i | '''type «i.toString»'''] } def public LogicBool() { createBoolTypeReference } def public LogicInt() { createIntTypeReference } def public LogicReal() { createRealTypeReference } def public LogicString() { createStringTypeReference } def toTypeReference(TypeDescriptor descriptor) { if(descriptor instanceof TypeReference) { return EcoreUtil.copy(descriptor); } else if(descriptor instanceof Type) { return createComplexTypeReference => [referred = descriptor]} else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type descriptor: " + descriptor.class) } // Variables def public createVar(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range) { return createVariable => [ = name.canonize it.range = range.toTypeReference] } // Functions def public FunctionDescription ->(TypeDescriptor parameter, TypeDescriptor range) { return #[parameter] -> range } def public FunctionDescription ->(Iterable parameters, TypeDescriptor range) { return new FunctionDescription([toTypeReference], range.toTypeReference); } def public FunctionDeclaration(CharSequence name, FunctionDescription functionDescription) { FunctionDeclaration(name,functionDescription.range, functionDescription.parameters) } def public FunctionDeclaration(FunctionDescription functionDescription) { FunctionDeclaration(functionDescription.range, functionDescription.parameters) } def public FunctionDeclaration(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, TypeDescriptor... parameters) { FunctionDeclaration(name, range, parameters as Iterable) } def public FunctionDeclaration(TypeDescriptor range, TypeDescriptor... parameters) { FunctionDeclaration(range, parameters as Iterable) } def public FunctionDeclaration(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, Iterable parameters) { return FunctionDeclaration(range,parameters) => [x| = name.canonize] } def public FunctionDeclaration(TypeDescriptor range, Iterable parameters) { val function = createFunctionDeclaration for(parameter : parameters) function.parameters+=parameter.toTypeReference function.range = range.toTypeReference return function } def public FunctionDefinition(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, Function1 expression) { val context = new VariableContext(this,logicFactiory) val definition = expression.apply(context) return FunctionDefinition(name,range,context.variables,definition); } def public FunctionDefinition(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, Iterable variables, TermDescription definition) { return createFunctionDefinition => [ = name.canonize it.parameters +=[it.range.toTypeReference] it.variable += variables it.range = range.toTypeReference it.value = definition.toTerm ] } def public FunctionDefinition(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, Iterable parameters, Map,Term> parametersToValue) { return FunctionDefinition(name,range,parameters,parametersToValue,null) } def public FunctionDefinition(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor range, Iterable parameters, Map,Term> parametersToValue, Term defaultValue) { val parameterList = parameters.toList; val variableList = (1..parameterList.size).map[index | '''param «index»'''.createVar(parameterList.get(index-1))].toList return FunctionDefinition(name,range,variableList,advancedConstructs.FunctionDefinitionBody(variableList,parametersToValue,defaultValue)) } // Add function to a problem def public add(LogicProblem input, Function function) { input.nameIfAnonymFunction(function) input.checkFunction(function) input.functions += function return function } def public add(LogicProblem input, FunctionDescription functionDescription) { input.add(FunctionDeclaration(functionDescription)) } def protected nameIfAnonymFunction(LogicProblem problem, Function functionDeclaration) { if( { =[].generateUniqueName[i | "function"+i] } } def protected checkFunction(LogicProblem problem, Function function) { if(problem.functions.exists(x| == throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Function with the following name is already defined: "«»"!''') for(ref : function.parameters.filter(typeof(ComplexTypeReference)).map[referred]) { if(!problem.types.contains(ref)) throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Type "«»" is not availabe in the logic problem!''') } val range = function.range if(range instanceof ComplexTypeReference) { if(!problem.types.contains(range.referred)) throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Type "«»" is not availabe in the logic problem!''') } } // Constants def public ConstantDeclaration(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor type) { ConstantDeclaration(type) => [ = name.canonize] } def public ConstantDeclaration(TypeDescriptor type) { createConstantDeclaration => [it.type = type.toTypeReference] } def public ConstantDefinition(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor type, TermDescription value) { createConstantDefinition => [ = name.canonize it.type = type.toTypeReference it.value = value.toTerm] } // Add constant to a problem def public add(LogicProblem problem, Constant constant) { problem.nameIfAnonymConstant(constant); problem.checkConstant(constant) problem.constants += constant return constant } def protected nameIfAnonymConstant(LogicProblem problem, Constant constant) { if( { =[].generateUniqueName[i | "constant"+i] } } def protected checkConstant(LogicProblem problem, Constant constant) { if(problem.constants.exists(x| == throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Constant with the following name is already defined: "«»"!''') if((constant.type instanceof ComplexTypeReference) && ! (problem.types.contains((constant.type as ComplexTypeReference).referred))) throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Type "«(constant.type as ComplexTypeReference)»" is not availabe in the logic problem!''') } // Relations def public RelationDeclaration(CharSequence name, TypeDescriptor... parameters) { return RelationDeclaration(name, parameters as Iterable) } def public RelationDeclaration(CharSequence name, Iterable parameters) { return RelationDeclaration(parameters) => [x| = name.canonize] } def public RelationDeclaration(TypeDescriptor... parameters) { RelationDeclaration( parameters as Iterable) } def public RelationDeclaration(Iterable parameters) { val relation = createRelationDeclaration for(parameter : parameters) { relation.parameters+=parameter.toTypeReference } return relation } def public RelationDefinition(CharSequence name, Function1 expression) { val context = new VariableContext(this,logicFactiory); val definition = expression.apply(context); return RelationDefinition(name,context.variables,definition) } def public RelationDefinition(CharSequence name, Iterable variables, TermDescription definition) { return createRelationDefinition => [ = name.canonize it.parameters +=[it.range.toTypeReference] it.variables += variables it.value = definition?.toTerm ] } def public RelationDefinition(CharSequence name, Iterable parameters, Iterable> possibleValues) { val res = createRelationDefinition => [ = name.canonize] val variableMap = new ArrayList(parameters.size) var index = 0 for(parameter : parameters) { val actualIndex = index val newVar = createVariable=>[ ='''var «actualIndex»'''.canonize it.range = parameter.toTypeReference] variableMap.add(index,newVar) res.variables+=newVar res.parameters+=newVar.range index+=1 } res.value =[possibleValue |(0.. [it.value = result] } def public Assertion(CharSequence name, TermDescription term) { val result = term.toTerm result.nameAnonymVariables(Collections.EMPTY_LIST) createAssertion => [it.value = result] } def public add(LogicProblem problem, Assertion assertion) { if( { val name =[name].generateUniqueName["assertion"+it] } checkAssertion(assertion) problem.assertions+=assertion return assertion } def public add(LogicProblem problem, TermDescription term) { problem.add(Assertion(term)) } def checkAssertion(Assertion assertion) { for(value : assertion.eAllContents.filter(SymbolicValue).toIterable) { var referred = value.symbolicReference if(referred instanceof Variable) { if(!value.hasDeclaredVariable(referred)){ throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Variable "«»" is not availabe in the logic problem!''') } } } } def public checkDefinition(EObject definition) { /*for(value : definition.eAllContents.filter(SymbolicValue).toIterable) { var referred = value.symbolicReference if(referred instanceof Variable) { if(!value.hasDeclaredVariable(referred)){ throw new LogicProblemBuilderException('''Variable "«»" is not availabe in the logic problem!''') } } }*/ } // Containment def public ContainmentHierarchy( Iterable typesInHierarchy, Iterable containmentFunctions, Iterable containmentRelations, Constant rootConstant ) { val result = createContainmentHierarchy => [ it.typesOrderedInHierarchy += typesInHierarchy it.containmentFunctions += containmentFunctions it.containmentRelations += containmentRelations it.rootConstant = rootConstant ] return result } def public add(LogicProblem problem, ContainmentHierarchy hierarchy) { problem.containmentHierarchies+=hierarchy return hierarchy } // Terms private dispatch def boolean hasDeclaredVariable(QuantifiedExpression term, Variable variable) { return term.quantifiedVariables.contains(variable) || ((term.eContainer instanceof Term) && (term.eContainer as Term).hasDeclaredVariable(variable)) } private dispatch def boolean hasDeclaredVariable(Term term, Variable variable) { return (term.eContainer instanceof Term) && (term.eContainer as Term).hasDeclaredVariable(variable) } private dispatch def boolean hasDeclaredVariable(RelationDefinition relation, Variable variable) { relation.variables.contains(variable) } private dispatch def boolean hasDeclaredVariable(Void term, Variable variable) { return false } def protected void nameAnonymVariables(EObject termSegment, List previousNames) { if(termSegment instanceof QuantifiedExpression) { val newNames = new LinkedList(previousNames) for(variable : termSegment.quantifiedVariables) { var String newName if( { newName = newNames.generateUniqueName[i | var x = variable.range.variableAnonymName x+="var"+i.toString //println(x) return x ] = newName } else newName = newNames+= newName } termSegment.expression.nameAnonymVariables(newNames) } else { for(subTerm : termSegment.eContents) { subTerm.nameAnonymVariables(previousNames) } } } def protected dispatch String variableAnonymName(BoolTypeReference ref) { "bool" } def protected dispatch String variableAnonymName(IntTypeReference ref) { "int" } def protected dispatch String variableAnonymName(RealTypeReference ref) { "real" } def protected dispatch String variableAnonymName(ComplexTypeReference ref) { } def protected allSubterms(Term term) { val content = term.eAllContents val result = new ArrayList(content.size+1) result+=term result+=content.toIterable return result; } def public Term toTerm(TermDescription term) { if(term instanceof Term) return term else if (term instanceof Variable) return createSymbolicValue => [symbolicReference = term] else if (term instanceof Constant) return else if (term instanceof DefinedElement) return createSymbolicValue => [symbolicReference = term] else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not create reference for symbolic declaration " + } def public !(TermDescription term) { Not(term) } def public Not(TermDescription term) { createNot => [operand = term.toTerm] } def public &&(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { And(a,b) } def public And(TermDescription... terms) { return And(terms as Iterable) } def public And(Iterable terms) { createAnd => [operands +=[toTerm]] } def public ||(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { Or(a,b) } def public Or(TermDescription... terms) { Or(terms as Iterable) } def public Or(Iterable terms) { createOr => [operands +=[toTerm]] } def public =>(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { Impl(a,b) } def public Impl(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { createImpl => [leftOperand = a.toTerm rightOperand = b.toTerm] } def public <=>(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { Iff(a,b)} def public Iff(TermDescription a, TermDescription b) { createIff =>[leftOperand=a.toTerm rightOperand=b.toTerm] } def public ITE(TermDescription condition, TermDescription ifTrue, TermDescription ifFalse) { createIfThenElse => [it.condition = condition.toTerm it.ifTrue = ifTrue.toTerm it.ifFalse = ifFalse.toTerm] } def public >(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { MoreThan(left,right)} def public MoreThan(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createMoreThan => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public <(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { LessThan(left,right)} def public LessThan(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createLessThan => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public <=(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { LessOrEqual(left,right) } def public LessOrEqual(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createLessOrEqualThan => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public >=(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { MoreOrEqual(left,right) } def public MoreOrEqual(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createMoreOrEqualThan => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public ==(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) {Equals(left,right)} def public Equals(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createEquals => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public !=(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Distinct(left,right) } def public Distinct(TermDescription... terms) { return Distinct(terms as Iterable) } def public Distinct(Iterable terms) { createDistinct => [operands +=[toTerm]] } def public +(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Plus(left,right) } def public Plus(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createPlus => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public -(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Minus(left,right) } def public Minus(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createMinus => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public *(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Multiply(left,right) } def public Multiply(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createMultiply => [leftOperand=left.toTerm rightOperand=right.toTerm] } def public /(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Divide(left,right) } def public Divide(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createDivison => [leftOperand = left.toTerm rightOperand = right.toTerm]} def public %(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { Modulo(left,right) } def public Modulo(TermDescription left, TermDescription right) { createMod => [leftOperand = left.toTerm rightOperand = right.toTerm]} def public asTerm(boolean value) { createBoolLiteral => [x|x.value = value] } def public asTerm(int value) { createIntLiteral => [x|x.value = value] } def public asTerm(double value) { createRealLiteral => [x|x.value = BigDecimal.valueOf(value)] } def public InstanceOf(TermDescription term, TypeDescriptor type) { createInstanceOf => [ it.value = term.toTerm it.range = type.toTypeReference ] } // QuantifiedExpressions def public Forall(Function1 expression) { val context = new VariableContext(this,logicFactiory) val term = expression.apply(context) return createForall => [x| x.quantifiedVariables+=context.variables x.expression = term.toTerm] } def public Forall(TermDescription expression, Variable... variables) { Forall(variables,expression) } def public Forall(Iterable variables,TermDescription expression) { val forallExpression = createForall for(variable : variables) forallExpression.quantifiedVariables += variable forallExpression.expression = expression.toTerm return forallExpression } def public Exists(Function1 expression) { val context = new VariableContext(this,logicFactiory) val term = expression.apply(context) return createExists => [x| x.quantifiedVariables+=context.variables x.expression = term.toTerm] } def public Exists(TermDescription expression, Variable... variables) { Exists(variables,expression) } def public Exists(Iterable variables, TermDescription expression) { val existsExpression = createExists for(variable : variables) existsExpression.quantifiedVariables += variable existsExpression.expression = expression.toTerm return existsExpression } // Function calls def public call(Function function, TermDescription... substitutions) { call(function, substitutions as Iterable) } def public call(Function function, Iterable substitutions) { val functionReference = createSymbolicValue functionReference.symbolicReference=function val List l= new LinkedList() l.addAll(substitutions) for(substitution : l) functionReference.parameterSubstitutions += substitution.toTerm functionReference.checkFunctionCall(function) return functionReference } def private checkFunctionCall(SymbolicValue value, Function referredFunction) { if(value.parameterSubstitutions.size != referredFunction.parameters.size) throw new LogicProblemBuilderException( '''The function called has «referredFunction.parameters.size» parameters but it is called with «value.parameterSubstitutions.size»!''') } // Relation calls def public call(Relation relation, TermDescription... substitution) { as Iterable)} def public call(Relation relation, Iterable substitution) { val relationReference = createSymbolicValue relationReference.symbolicReference = relation //println('''«»(«substitution.size»->«relation.parameters»)''') for(value : substitution) relationReference.parameterSubstitutions += value.toTerm relationReference.checkRelationCall(relation) return relationReference } def private checkRelationCall(SymbolicValue value, Relation referredRelation) { if(value.parameterSubstitutions.size != referredRelation.parameters.size) { throw new LogicProblemBuilderException( '''The relation "«»" called has «referredRelation.parameters.size» parameters but it is called with «value.parameterSubstitutions.size»!''') } } // constant evaluation def public call(Constant constant) { val constantReference = createSymbolicValue constantReference.symbolicReference = constant return constantReference } }