package queries import "" import "" //Minimal Failing Example @Constraint(severity = "error", key = {l}, message = "this defines the placedOn relation") pattern patterThatOnlyWorksWithInt(l : Lane) { Lane.referenceCoord(l, w); check(w <= 2.0); } ////////////// //Lane ////////////// /////////width, numWidth @Constraint(severity="error", key={l}, message="x") pattern define_numWidth_small(l : Lane) { Lane.width(l, Size::Small); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw <= 5); } or { Lane.width(l, Size::Small); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw >= 10); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={l}, message="x") pattern define_numWidth_medium(l : Lane) { Lane.width(l, Size::Medium); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw <= 10); } or { Lane.width(l, Size::Medium); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw >= 15); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={l}, message="x") pattern define_numWidth_large(l : Lane) { Lane.width(l, Size::Large); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw <= 15); } or { Lane.width(l, Size::Large); Lane.numWidth(l, nw); check(nw >= 20); } /////////referenceCoord @Constraint(severity="error", key={l}, message="x") pattern define_referenceCoord_horizontalAtOrigin(l:Lane) { 1 == count find find_horizontalLaneAtOrigin(l); } private pattern find_horizontalLaneAtOrigin(l:Lane){ Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Horizontal); Lane.referenceCoord(l, rc); Lane.prevLane(l, prev); rc != 0.0; } @Constraint(severity="error", key={l}, message="x") pattern define_referenceCoord_verticalAtOrigin(l:Lane) { 1 == count find find_verticalLaneAtOrigin(l); } private pattern find_verticalLaneAtOrigin(l:Lane){ Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Vertical); Lane.referenceCoord(l, rc); rc == 0.0; } pattern define_referenceCoord_VerticalifMultipleLanes(l1:Lane, l2:Lane) { //calculated risk??? Lane.orientation(l1, Orientation::Vertical); Lane.orientation(l2, Orientation::Vertical); Lane.referenceCoord(l1, rc1); Lane.numWidth(l1, nw1); Lane.referenceCoord(l2, rc2); check(rc2 == rc1 + nw1); } //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {a}, message = "this defines the placedOn relation for vertical lanes") //pattern actorOnVerticalLane(a : Actor) { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Vertical); // Actor.xPos(a, x); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // check(x <= r); //} or { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Vertical); // Actor.xPos(a, x); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // Lane.numWidth(l, w); // check(x >= (r + w)); //} // //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {a}, message = "this defines the placedOn relation for horizontal lanes") //pattern actorOnHorizontalLane(a : Actor) { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Horizontal); // Actor.yPos(a, y); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // check(y <= r); //} or { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Horizontal); // Actor.yPos(a, y); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // Lane.numWidth(l, w); // check(y >= (r + w)); //} //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {a}, message = "this defines the placedOn relation") //pattern actorOnLane(a : Actor) { // find actorOnVerticalLane(a); //// neg find actorOnHorizontalLane(a); //} // //private pattern actorOnVerticalLane(a : Actor) { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Vertical); // Actor.xPos(a, x); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // Lane.numWidth(l, w); // check(x >= r); // check(x <= (r + w)); //} //@Constraint(severity = "error", key = {l}, message = "this defines the placedOn relation") //pattern widthSpec(l : Lane) { // Lane.numWidth(l, w); // check(w != 5); //} //private pattern actorOnHorizontalLane(a : Actor) { // Actor.placedOn(a, l); // Lane.orientation(l, Orientation::Vertical); // Actor.yPos(a, y); // Lane.referenceCoord(l, r); // Lane.widthNum(l, w); // check(y >= r); // check(y <= (r + w)); //} ////////////// //CollisionExists ////////////// @Constraint(severity="error", key={c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_timeWithinBound(ss:SimpleScenario, c:CollisionExists) { SimpleScenario.actors.relations(ss, c); SimpleScenario.maxTime(ss, maxTime); CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); check(cTime >= maxTime);} @Constraint(severity="error", key={c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_timeNotNegative(c:CollisionExists) { CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); check(cTime <= 0);} @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_defineCollision_y1(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, c:CollisionExists) { Actor.relations(a1, c);, a2); Actor.length(a1, l1); Actor.yPos(a1, yPos1); Actor.ySpeed(a1, ySpeed1); Actor.length(a2, l2); Actor.yPos(a2, yPos2); Actor.ySpeed(a2, ySpeed2); CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); //check(y_1_bottom > y_2_top check((yPos1 + (ySpeed1 * cTime)) - (l1/2) > (yPos2 + (ySpeed2 * cTime)) + (l2/2)); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_defineCollision_y2(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, c:CollisionExists) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, c);, a2); Actor.length(a1, l1); Actor.yPos(a1, yPos1); Actor.ySpeed(a1, ySpeed1); Actor.length(a2, l2); Actor.yPos(a2, yPos2); Actor.ySpeed(a2, ySpeed2); CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); //check(y_1_top < y_2_bottom) check((yPos1 + (ySpeed1 * cTime)) + (l1/2) < (yPos2 + (ySpeed2 * cTime)) - (l2/2)); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_defineCollision_x1(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, c:CollisionExists) { Actor.relations(a1, c);, a2); Actor.width(a1, w1); Actor.xPos(a1, xPos1); Actor.xSpeed(a1, xSpeed1); Actor.width(a2, w2); Actor.xPos(a2, xPos2); Actor.xSpeed(a2, xSpeed2); CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); //check(x_1_left > x_2_right) check((xPos1 + (xSpeed1 * cTime)) - (w1/2) > (xPos2 + (xSpeed2 * cTime)) + (w2/2)); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern collisionExists_defineCollision_x2(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, c:CollisionExists) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, c);, a2); Actor.width(a1, w1); Actor.xPos(a1, xPos1); Actor.xSpeed(a1, xSpeed1); Actor.width(a2, w2); Actor.xPos(a2, xPos2); Actor.xSpeed(a2, xSpeed2); CollisionExists. collisionTime(c, cTime); //check(x_1_right < x_2_left) check((xPos1 + (xSpeed1 * cTime)) + (w1/2) < (xPos2 + (xSpeed2 * cTime)) - (w2/2)); } ////////////// //SeparationDistance ////////////// @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern SeparationDistance_near_lb(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, sd:SeparationDistance) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, sd);, a2); SeparationDistance.distance(sd, Distance::Near); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 < 5^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) < 5*5); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern SeparationDistance_near_ub(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, sd:SeparationDistance) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, sd);, a2); SeparationDistance.distance(sd, Distance::Near); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 > 10^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) > 10*10); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern SeparationDistance_medium_lb(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, sd:SeparationDistance) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, sd);, a2); SeparationDistance.distance(sd, Distance::Medium); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 < 10^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) < 10*10); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern SeparationDistance_medium_ub(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, sd:SeparationDistance) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, sd);, a2); SeparationDistance.distance(sd, Distance::Medium); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 > 1^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) > 15*15); } @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern SeparationDistance_far_lb(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, sd:SeparationDistance) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, sd);, a2); SeparationDistance.distance(sd, Distance::Far); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 < 15^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) < 15*15); } ////////////// //CollisionDoesNotExist ////////////// @Constraint(severity="error", key={a1, c}, message="x") pattern collisionDoesNotExist(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, ss:SimpleScenario, cdne:CollisionDoesNotExist) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 SimpleScenario.actors(ss, a1); SimpleScenario.actors(ss, a2); Actor.relations(a1, cdne);, a2); SimpleScenario.maxTime(ss, maxTime); Actor.width(a1, w1); Actor.length(a1, l1); Actor.xPos(a1, xPos1); Actor.yPos(a1, yPos1); Actor.xSpeed(a1, xSpeed1); Actor.ySpeed(a1, ySpeed1); Actor.width(a2, w2); Actor.length(a2, l2); Actor.xPos(a2, xPos2); Actor.yPos(a2, yPos2); Actor.xSpeed(a2, xSpeed2); Actor.ySpeed(a2, ySpeed2); //check(dx^2 + dy^2 < 15^2) check((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) < 15*15); } ////////////// //VisionBlocked ////////////// //OPTIONS 1: everything is from a single check expression containing ITEs //Currently unhandled bygenerator pattern visionBlocked_ites_top(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, vb:VisionBlocked) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, vb);, a2); VisionBlocked.blockedBy(vb, aBlocker); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); Actor.xPos(aBlocker, xBlocker); Actor.yPos(aBlocker, yBlocker); Actor.length(aBlocker, lenBlocker); Actor.width(aBlocker, widBlocker); //check(slope of a1-to-BlockerTop < slope of a1-to-a2) check( ( yBlocker - y1 + (if(xBlocker > x1){lenBlocker/2}else{0-lenBlocker/2})) / ( xBlocker - x1 + (if(yBlocker > y1){0-widBlocker/2}else{widBlocker/2})) < ((y1-y2)/(x1-x2))); } pattern visionBlocked_ites_bottom(a1:Actor, a2:Actor, vb:VisionBlocked) { //This second one is required because we do not want to enforce both a1->c->a2 and a2->c->a1 Actor.relations(a1, vb);, a2); VisionBlocked.blockedBy(vb, aBlocker); Actor.xPos(a1, x1); Actor.yPos(a1, y1); Actor.xPos(a2, x2); Actor.yPos(a2, y2); Actor.xPos(aBlocker, xBlocker); Actor.yPos(aBlocker, yBlocker); Actor.length(aBlocker, lenBlocker); Actor.width(aBlocker, widBlocker); //check(slope of a1-to-BlockerBottom > slope of a1-to-a2) check( ( yBlocker - y1 + (if(xBlocker > x1){0-lenBlocker/2}else{lenBlocker/2})) / ( xBlocker - x1 + (if(yBlocker > y1){widBlocker/2}else{0-widBlocker/2})) > ((y1-y2)/(x1-x2))); } //OPTION 2: //we handle ITE by seperating the constraints //This will involve 1 constarint for each decision path, but will require multiple check expressions within the same pattern //OPTION 3: //If this is nott working still, we will have to add some strctural components to the MM //to differentiate the different cases and reduce the requirements of if, then, else //This will involve more patterns, and some that are pstructural as well.