package import import import import import import import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.statecode.IStateCoder import org.eclipse.viatra.dse.statecode.IStateCoderFactory import org.eclipse.viatra.query.runtime.api.IPatternMatch import org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenationClient class CpsStateCoder implements IStateCoder { CyberPhysicalSystem cps protected new() { } override init(Notifier notifier) { cps = switch (notifier) { ResourceSet: getCpsFromResourceSet(notifier) Resource: getCpsFromResource(notifier) CyberPhysicalSystem: notifier default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("notifier is not a CyberPhysicalSystem") } } private def getCpsFromResourceSet(ResourceSet resourceSet) { if (resourceSet.resources.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Resource in ResourceSet") } val resource = resourceSet.resources.head getCpsFromResource(resource) } private def getCpsFromResource(Resource resource) { if (resource.contents.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No EObject in Resource") } val cps = resource.contents.head if (cps instanceof CyberPhysicalSystem) { cps } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("EObject in Resource is not a CyberPhysicalSystem") } } override String createStateCode() { '''«createRequestsCode»«createHostTypesCode»''' } private def StringConcatenationClient createRequestsCode() { '''«FOR request : cps.requests»«createRequestCode(request)»«ENDFOR»''' } private def StringConcatenationClient createRequestCode(Request request) { '''[«FOR requirement : request.requirements»«createRequirementCode(requirement)»«ENDFOR»]''' } private def StringConcatenationClient createRequirementCode(Requirement requirement) { '''[«FOR app : requirement.instances SEPARATOR ","»«createAppCode(app)»«ENDFOR»]''' } private def createAppCode(ApplicationInstance app) { if (app.allocatedTo === null) { "-" } else { createMatchArgumentCode(app.allocatedTo) } } private def createHostTypesCode() { '''(«FOR hostType : cps.hostTypes SEPARATOR ","»«hostType.instances.size»«ENDFOR»)''' } override String createActivationCode(IPatternMatch match) { '''«match.specification.simpleName»(«FOR arg : match.toArray SEPARATOR ","»«createMatchArgumentCode(arg)»«ENDFOR»)''' } protected dispatch def String createMatchArgumentCode(Requirement requirement) { val request = requirement.eContainer if (request instanceof Request) { if (request.eContainer != cps) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Request is not contained in the CPS") } val requestIndex = cps.requests.indexOf(request) val requirementIndex = request.requirements.indexOf(requirement) requestIndex + "." + requirementIndex } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requirement is not contained in a request") } } protected dispatch def String createMatchArgumentCode(ApplicationInstance app) { val requirement = app.requirement if (requirement === null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Application instance is not associated with a requirement") } val instanceIndex = requirement.instances.indexOf(app) createMatchArgumentCode(requirement) + "." + instanceIndex } protected dispatch def String createMatchArgumentCode(HostInstance host) { val hostType = host.eContainer if (hostType instanceof HostType) { val hostIndex = hostType.instances.indexOf(host) createMatchArgumentCode(hostType) + "." + hostIndex } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Host is not contained in a host type") } } protected dispatch def String createMatchArgumentCode(HostType hostType) { if (hostType.eContainer != cps) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Host type is not contained in the CPS") } val hostTypeIndex = cps.hostTypes.indexOf(hostType) hostTypeIndex.toString } protected dispatch def createMatchArgumentCode(Object object) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown match argument: ") } static class Factory implements IStateCoderFactory { override createStateCoder() { new CpsStateCoder } } }