package import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Optional import org.eclipse.viatra.query.patternlanguage.emf.vql.PatternModel import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2 import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1 class SolverLoader { def loadSolver(Solver solver, Map config) { switch (solver) { case ALLOY_SOLVER: return new AlloySolver case SMT_SOLVER: return new SMTSolver case VIATRA_SOLVER: return new ViatraReasoner } } private def Optional getAsType(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console, Function1 parser, Class requestedType) { if (config.containsKey(key)) { val stringValue = config.get(key) try { val parsedValue = parser.apply(stringValue) return Optional.of(parsedValue) } catch (Exception e) { console.writeError('''Unable to parse configuration value for "«key»" to «requestedType.simpleName»!''') return Optional::empty } } else { return Optional::empty } } private def getAsInteger(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Integer.parseInt(x)], Integer) } private def getAsBoolean(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Boolean.parseBoolean(x)], Boolean) } private def getAsDouble(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Double.parseDouble(x)], Double) } def loadSolverConfig(Solver solver, Map config, List objectiveEntries, ScriptConsole console) { switch (solver) { case ALLOY_SOLVER: { if (!objectiveEntries.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objectives are not supported by Alloy.") } val c = new AlloySolverConfiguration config.getAsInteger("symmetry", console).ifPresent[c.symmetry = it] config.getAsType("solver",console,[x|AlloyBackendSolver::valueOf(x)],AlloyBackendSolver).ifPresent[c.solver = it] c } case SMT_SOLVER: { if (!objectiveEntries.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objectives are not supported by Z3.") } val c = new SmtSolverConfiguration config.getAsBoolean("fixRandomSeed", console).ifPresent[c.fixRandomSeed = it] config.getAsType("path", console, [it], String).ifPresent[c.solverPath = it] c } case VIATRA_SOLVER: { val c = new ViatraReasonerConfiguration c.debugConfiguration.partialInterpretatioVisualiser = new GraphvizVisualiser if (config.containsKey("diversity-range")) { val stringValue = config.get("diversity-range") try { val range = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) c.diversityRequirement = new DiversityDescriptor => [ it.ensureDiversity = true it.range = range ] } catch (NumberFormatException e) { console.writeError('''Malformed number format: «e.message»''') } } if (config.containsKey("numeric-solver-at-end")) { val stringValue = config.get("numeric-solver-at-end") if (stringValue.equals("true")) { println("numeric-solver-at-end") c.runIntermediateNumericalConsistencyChecks = false } } if (config.containsKey("fitness-punishSize")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-punishSize") c.punishSize = switch (stringValue) { case "false": PunishSizeStrategy.NONE case "true": PunishSizeStrategy.SMALLER_IS_BETTER case "inverse": PunishSizeStrategy.LARGER_IS_BETTER default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown punish size strategy: " + stringValue) } } if (config.containsKey("fitness-scope")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-scope") c.scopeWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("fitness-missing-containment")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-containment") c.conaintmentWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("fitness-missing-noncontainment")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-noncontainment") c.nonContainmentWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("fitness-missing-wf")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-wf") c.unfinishedWFWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("fitness-objectCreationCosts")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-objectCreationCosts") c.calculateObjectCreationCosts = Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("numeric-solver")) { val stringValue = config.get("numeric-solver") c.numericSolverSelection = switch (stringValue) { case "dreal-docker": NumericSolverSelection.DREAL_DOCKER case "dreal-local": NumericSolverSelection.DREAL_LOCAL case "z3": NumericSolverSelection.Z3 default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown numeric solver selection: " + stringValue) } } if (config.containsKey("dreal-local-path")) { val stringValue = config.get("dreal-local-path") if (!stringValue.equals("")){ c.drealLocalPath = stringValue; } } if (config.containsKey("scopePropagator")) { val stringValue = config.get("scopePropagator") c.scopePropagatorStrategy = switch (stringValue) { case "polyhedral": new ScopePropagatorStrategy.Polyhedral( PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints.Relational, PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver.Clp, true) case "hybrid": new ScopePropagatorStrategy.Polyhedral( PolyhedralScopePropagatorConstraints.Relational, PolyhedralScopePropagatorSolver.Clp, false) case "typeHierarchy": ScopePropagatorStrategy.BasicTypeHierarchy default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown scope propagator: " + stringValue) } } if (config.containsKey("ignored-attributes")) { val stringValue = config.get("ignored-attributes") c.ignoredAttributesMap = parseIgnoredAttributes(stringValue) } if (config.containsKey("strategy")) { val stringValue = config.get("strategy") c.strategy = switch (stringValue) { case "none": ExplorationStrategy.None case "crossingScenario": ExplorationStrategy.CrossingScenario case "cs-hacker": ExplorationStrategy.CSHacker default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown strategy: " + stringValue) } } for (objectiveEntry : objectiveEntries) { val costObjectiveConfig = new CostObjectiveConfiguration switch (objectiveEntry) { OptimizationEntry: { costObjectiveConfig.findExtremum = true costObjectiveConfig.kind = switch (direction : objectiveEntry.direction) { case MAXIMIZE: ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER case MINIMIZE: ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown direction: " + direction) } costObjectiveConfig.threshold = ObjectiveThreshold.NO_THRESHOLD } ThresholdEntry: { costObjectiveConfig.findExtremum = false val threshold = objectiveEntry.threshold.doubleValue switch (operator : objectiveEntry.operator) { case LESS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case GREATER: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case LESS_EQUALS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case GREATER_EQUALS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + operator) } } } val function = objectiveEntry.function if (function instanceof CostObjectiveFunction) { for (costEntry : function.entries) { val element = new CostObjectiveElementConfiguration val pattern = costEntry.patternElement.pattern val packageName = costEntry.patternElement.package?.packageName ?: EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(pattern, PatternModel)?.packageName element.patternQualifiedName = if (packageName.nullOrEmpty) { } else { packageName + "." + } element.weight = costEntry.weight costObjectiveConfig.elements += element } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only cost objectives are supported by VIATRA.") } c.costObjectives += costObjectiveConfig } c } default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unknown solver: «solver»''') } } def Map> parseIgnoredAttributes(String input) { val Map> clAttVal = newHashMap val List entries = input.split(",") //TODO add some validation here for (entry : entries) { val List components = entry.split("=") if (components.size != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ignoredAttributes Specification: \"" + entry + "\"") val clAtt = components.get(0) val List clAttArray = clAtt.split("\\.") if (clAttArray.size != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid attribute specification : \"" + clAtt + "\"") val c = clAttArray.get(0).strip val a = clAttArray.get(1).strip val v = components.get(1).strip val clInMap = clAttVal.get(c) if (clInMap === null) { clAttVal.put(c, newHashMap(a -> v)) } else { clInMap.put(a, v) } } return clAttVal } def dispatch void setRunIndex(AlloySolverConfiguration config, Map parameters, int runIndex, ScriptConsole console) { parameters.getAsBoolean("randomize", console).ifPresent [ if (it) { config.randomise = runIndex - 1 } ] } def dispatch void setRunIndex(LogicSolverConfiguration config, Map parameters, int runIndex, ScriptConsole console) { } }