package import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import import java.util.List import java.util.Map import java.util.Optional import org.eclipse.viatra.query.patternlanguage.emf.vql.PatternModel import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2 import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1 class SolverLoader { def loadSolver(Solver solver, Map config) { switch (solver) { case ALLOY_SOLVER: return new AlloySolver case SMT_SOLVER: return new SMTSolver case VIATRA_SOLVER: return new ViatraReasoner } } private def Optional getAsType(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console, Function1 parser, Class requestedType) { if (config.containsKey(key)) { val stringValue = config.get(key) try { val parsedValue = parser.apply(stringValue) return Optional.of(parsedValue) } catch (Exception e) { console.writeError('''Unable to parse configuration value for "«key»" to «requestedType.simpleName»!''') return Optional::empty } } else { return Optional::empty } } private def getAsInteger(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Integer.parseInt(x)], Integer) } private def getAsBoolean(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Boolean.parseBoolean(x)], Boolean) } private def getAsDouble(Map config, String key, ScriptConsole console) { return getAsType(config, key, console, [x|Double.parseDouble(x)], Double) } def loadSolverConfig(Solver solver, Map config, List objectiveEntries, ScriptConsole console) { switch (solver) { case ALLOY_SOLVER: { if (!objectiveEntries.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objectives are not supported by Alloy.") } val c = new SmtSolverConfiguration config.getAsBoolean("fixRandomSeed", console).ifPresent[c.fixRandomSeed = it] config.getAsType("path", console, [it], String).ifPresent[c.solverPath = it] c } case SMT_SOLVER: { if (!objectiveEntries.empty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objectives are not supported by Z3.") } val c = new SmtSolverConfiguration config.getAsBoolean("fixRandomSeed", console).ifPresent[c.fixRandomSeed = it] config.getAsType("path", console, [it], String).ifPresent[c.solverPath = it] c } case VIATRA_SOLVER: { val c = new ViatraReasonerConfiguration c.debugConfiguration.partialInterpretatioVisualiser = new GraphvizVisualiser if (config.containsKey("diversity-range")) { val stringValue = config.get("diversity-range") try { val range = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) c.diversityRequirement = new DiversityDescriptor => [ it.ensureDiversity = true it.range = range ] } catch (NumberFormatException e) { console.writeError('''Malformed number format: «e.message»''') } } if(config.containsKey("numeric-solver-at-end")) { val stringValue = config.get("numeric-solver-at-end") if(stringValue.equals("true")) { println("numeric-solver-at-end") c.runIntermediateNumericalConsistencyChecks = false } } if(config.containsKey("fitness-punishSize")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-punishSize") try { c.punishSize = Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue) } catch(Exception e) {} } if(config.containsKey("fitness-scope")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-scope") try { c.scopeWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } catch(Exception e) {} } if(config.containsKey("fitness-missing-containent")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-containent") try { c.conaintmentWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } catch(Exception e) {} } if(config.containsKey("fitness-missing-noncontainent")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-noncontainent") try { c.nonContainmentWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } catch(Exception e) {} } if(config.containsKey("fitness-missing-wf")) { val stringValue = config.get("fitness-missing-wf") try { c.unfinishedWFWeight = Integer.parseInt(stringValue) } catch(Exception e) {} } for (objectiveEntry : objectiveEntries) { val costObjectiveConfig = new CostObjectiveConfiguration switch (objectiveEntry) { OptimizationEntry: { costObjectiveConfig.findExtremum = true costObjectiveConfig.kind = switch (direction : objectiveEntry.direction) { case MAXIMIZE: ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER case MINIMIZE: ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown direction: " + direction) } costObjectiveConfig.threshold = ObjectiveThreshold.NO_THRESHOLD } ThresholdEntry: { costObjectiveConfig.findExtremum = false val threshold = objectiveEntry.threshold.doubleValue switch (operator : objectiveEntry.operator) { case LESS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case GREATER: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case LESS_EQUALS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.LOWER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } case GREATER_EQUALS: { costObjectiveConfig.kind = ObjectiveKind.HIGHER_IS_BETTER costObjectiveConfig.threshold = new ObjectiveThreshold.Exclusive(threshold) } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator: " + operator) } } } val function = objectiveEntry.function if (function instanceof CostObjectiveFunction) { for (costEntry : function.entries) { val element = new CostObjectiveElementConfiguration val pattern = costEntry.patternElement.pattern val packageName = costEntry.patternElement.package?.packageName ?: EcoreUtil2.getContainerOfType(pattern, PatternModel)?.packageName element.patternQualifiedName = if (packageName.nullOrEmpty) { } else { packageName + "." + } element.weight = costEntry.weight costObjectiveConfig.elements += element } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only cost objectives are supported by VIATRA.") } c.costObjectives += costObjectiveConfig } c } default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unknown solver: «solver»''') } } def dispatch void setRunIndex(AlloySolverConfiguration config, Map parameters, int runIndex, ScriptConsole console) { parameters.getAsBoolean("randomize", console).ifPresent [ if (it) { config.randomise = runIndex - 1 } ] } def dispatch void setRunIndex(LogicSolverConfiguration config, Map parameters, int runIndex, ScriptConsole console) { } }