package import import import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI import import import java.util.LinkedHashMap import java.util.HashMap class ScriptConsole implements Closeable { val boolean printToConsole val boolean cleanFiles val File messageConsoleFile val File errorConsoleFile val File statisticsConsoleFile val Map file2Writer = new HashMap val statisticsHeaderBuffer = new LinkedHashSet val statisticsDataBuffer = new LinkedList> static val delimier = ';' static val empty = "" public new( boolean printToConsole, boolean cleanFiles, URI messageConsoleURI, URI errorConsoleURI, URI statisticsConsoleURI) { this.printToConsole = printToConsole this.cleanFiles = cleanFiles this.messageConsoleFile = messageConsoleURI.prepareFile this.errorConsoleFile = errorConsoleURI.prepareFile this.statisticsConsoleFile = statisticsConsoleURI.prepareFile } public def writeMessage(String message) { messageConsoleFile.writeToFile(message) } public def writeError(String message) { errorConsoleFile.writeToFile(message) } public def writeStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { val message = ''' «FOR key : statistics.keySet SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR value : statistics.values SEPARATOR delimier»«value»«ENDFOR»''' statisticsConsoleFile.writeToFile(message) } public def addStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { for(key : statistics.keySet) { this.statisticsHeaderBuffer.add(key); } this.statisticsDataBuffer.add(statistics) } public def flushStatistics() { val message = ''' «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR line : statisticsDataBuffer » «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer»«IF line.containsKey(key)»«empty»«ELSE»«line.get(key)»«ENDIF»«ENDFOR» «ENDFOR» ''' statisticsConsoleFile.writeToFile(message) } /** * Writes a line of text to a file and the console. Initializes a writer to the file for at the first message. */ private def writeToFile(File file, String text) { if(file != null) { val writer = if(this.file2Writer.containsKey(file)) { this.file2Writer.get(file) } else { if(!file.exists) { file.createNewFile } val writer = new PrintWriter(file, "UTF-8"); this.file2Writer.put(file,writer) writer } writer.println(text) } if(printToConsole) { println(text) } } private def prepareFile(URI uri) { if (uri === null) { return null } else { val fileString = uri.toFileString val file = new File(fileString) if (this.cleanFiles && file.exists) { file.delete } return file } } override close() throws IOException { this.file2Writer.values.forEach[close] } }