package import import import import import java.util.LinkedHashMap import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.List import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data abstract class ScriptConsole { val boolean printToConsole val ReasonerWorkspace messageWorkspace; val String messageFileName; val ReasonerWorkspace errorWorkspace; val String errorFileName; val ReasonerWorkspace statisticsWorkspace; val String statisticsFileName; val List errorMessagesDuringInitialisation = new LinkedList; val statisticsHeaderBuffer = new LinkedHashSet val statisticsDataBuffer = new LinkedList> static val delimier = ',' static val empty = "" new(boolean printToConsole, boolean cleanFiles, URI messageConsoleURI, URI errorConsoleURI, URI statisticsConsoleURI) { this.messageWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(messageConsoleURI, errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.messageFileName = prepareFileName(messageConsoleURI) this.errorWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(errorConsoleURI, errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.errorFileName = prepareFileName(errorConsoleURI) this.statisticsWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(statisticsConsoleURI, errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.statisticsFileName = prepareFileName(statisticsConsoleURI) this.printToConsole = printToConsole } /** * Writes any error messages that occurred during console initialization. * * Should be called by implementations at the end of their constructors. */ protected final def writeErrorMessagesDuringInitialisation() { errorMessagesDuringInitialisation.forEach [ this.writeError('''Error during console initialisation: "«it»"''') ] errorMessagesDuringInitialisation.clear } def void writeMessage(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val resolvedText = this.resolveToText(message, separator, decorators) if (messageWorkspace !== null) { messageWorkspace.writeText(messageFileName, resolvedText); } if (printToConsole) { println(resolvedText) } } def void writeMessage(String message) { if (messageWorkspace !== null) { messageWorkspace.writeText(messageFileName, message); } if (printToConsole) { println(message) } } def void writeError(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val resolvedText = this.resolveToText(message, separator, decorators) if (errorWorkspace !== null) { errorWorkspace.writeText(errorFileName, resolvedText); } println(message) } def void writeError(String message) { if (errorWorkspace !== null) { errorWorkspace.writeText(errorFileName, message); } println(message) } def writeStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { if (statisticsWorkspace !== null) { val message = ''' «FOR key : statistics.keySet SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR value : statistics.values SEPARATOR delimier»«value»«ENDFOR»''' statisticsWorkspace.writeText(statisticsFileName, message); } } def addStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { for (key : statistics.keySet) { this.statisticsHeaderBuffer.add(key); } this.statisticsDataBuffer.add(statistics) } def flushStatistics() { if (statisticsWorkspace !== null) { val message = ''' «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR line : statisticsDataBuffer» «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer SEPARATOR delimier»«IF line.containsKey(key)»«line.get(key)»«ELSE»«empty»«ENDIF»«ENDFOR» «ENDFOR» ''' statisticsWorkspace.writeText(statisticsFileName, message); statisticsHeaderBuffer.clear statisticsDataBuffer.clear } } private def prepareWorkspace(URI uri, List errors) { if (uri === null) { return null } else { try { val folderURI = uri.trimSegments(1) if (folderURI.isFile) { return new FileSystemWorkspace(folderURI.toString, "") => [init] } else if (folderURI.isPlatformResource) { return new ProjectWorkspace(folderURI.toString, "") => [init] } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported file usi: "«uri»"!''') } } catch (Exception e) { errors += e.message return null } } } private def prepareFileName(URI uri) { if (uri !== null) { return uri.lastSegment } else { null } } private def resolveToText(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val messageString = message.toString // 0. split the message val separatedMessage = if (messageString.startsWith(separator, -1)) { #[""] + messageString.split(separator, -1) } else { messageString.split(separator, -1).toList } if (separatedMessage.size - 1 !== decorators.size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException } return '''«FOR i : 0..