package import import import import import java.util.LinkedHashMap import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.List import java.util.Map import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener import import org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsolePlugin import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsole import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsoleStream import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture import java.util.concurrent.Future import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException //import org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsole class ScriptConsole { /** * Console is identified with the name of this class. */ val final consoleID = val boolean printToConsole val MessageConsole runtimeConsole; val ReasonerWorkspace messageWorkspace; val String messageFileName; val ReasonerWorkspace errorWorkspace; val String errorFileName; val ReasonerWorkspace statisticsWorkspace; val String statisticsFileName; val statisticsHeaderBuffer = new LinkedHashSet val statisticsDataBuffer = new LinkedList> static val delimier = ';' static val empty = "" public new( boolean printToConsole, boolean printToRuntimeConsole, boolean cleanFiles, URI messageConsoleURI, URI errorConsoleURI, URI statisticsConsoleURI) { val List errorMessagesDuringInitialisation = new LinkedList this.messageWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(messageConsoleURI,errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.messageFileName = prepareFileName(messageConsoleURI) this.errorWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(errorConsoleURI,errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.errorFileName = prepareFileName(errorConsoleURI) this.statisticsWorkspace = prepareWorkspace(statisticsConsoleURI,errorMessagesDuringInitialisation) this.statisticsFileName = prepareFileName(statisticsConsoleURI) this.printToConsole = printToConsole this.runtimeConsole = if(printToRuntimeConsole) { prepareRuntimeConsole } else { null } errorMessagesDuringInitialisation.forEach[ this.writeError('''Error during console initialisation: "«it»"''') ] } public def writeMessage(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val resolvedText = this.resolveToText(message, separator, decorators) if(messageWorkspace!==null) { messageWorkspace.writeText(messageFileName,resolvedText); } if(printToConsole) { println(resolvedText) } if(runtimeConsole!==null) { writeToRuntimeConsole(message, separator, decorators) } } public def writeMessage(String message) { if(messageWorkspace!==null) { messageWorkspace.writeText(messageFileName,message); } if(printToConsole) { println(message) } if(runtimeConsole!==null) { writeToRuntimeConsole(message) } } public def writeError(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val resolvedText = this.resolveToText(message, separator, decorators) if(errorWorkspace!==null) { errorWorkspace.writeText(errorFileName,resolvedText); } println(message) if(runtimeConsole!==null) { writeToRuntimeConsole(message, separator, decorators) } } public def writeError(String message) { if(errorWorkspace!==null) { errorWorkspace.writeText(errorFileName,message); } println(message) if(runtimeConsole!==null) { writeToRuntimeConsole(message) } } public def writeStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { if(statisticsWorkspace!==null) { val message = ''' «FOR key : statistics.keySet SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR value : statistics.values SEPARATOR delimier»«value»«ENDFOR»''' statisticsWorkspace.writeText(statisticsFileName,message); } } public def addStatistics(LinkedHashMap statistics) { for(key : statistics.keySet) { this.statisticsHeaderBuffer.add(key); } this.statisticsDataBuffer.add(statistics) } public def flushStatistics() { if(statisticsWorkspace!==null) { val message = ''' «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer SEPARATOR delimier»«key»«ENDFOR» «FOR line : statisticsDataBuffer» «FOR key : statisticsHeaderBuffer SEPARATOR delimier»«IF line.containsKey(key)»«line.get(key)»«ELSE»«empty»«ENDIF»«ENDFOR» «ENDFOR» ''' statisticsWorkspace.writeText(statisticsFileName,message); statisticsHeaderBuffer.clear statisticsDataBuffer.clear } } private def prepareWorkspace(URI uri, List errors) { if (uri === null) { return null } else { try{ val folderURI = uri.trimSegments(1) if(folderURI.isFile) { return new FileSystemWorkspace(folderURI.toString,"")=>[init] } else if(folderURI.isPlatformResource) { return new ProjectWorkspace(folderURI.toString,"")=>[init] } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException('''Unsupported file usi: "«uri»"!''') } } catch(Exception e) { errors += e.message return null } } } private def prepareFileName(URI uri) { if(uri!==null) { return uri.lastSegment } else { null } } private def MessageConsole prepareRuntimeConsole() { val plugin = ConsolePlugin.getDefault(); if(plugin === null) { return null } else { val conMan = plugin.getConsoleManager(); val existingConsoles = conMan.getConsoles(); val existingConsolesWithID = existingConsoles.filter[] if(existingConsolesWithID.empty) { val MessageConsole res = new MessageConsole(consoleID,null) conMan.addConsoles(#[res]); return res } else { return existingConsolesWithID.head as MessageConsole } } } private def resolveToText(CharSequence message, String separator, ScriptConsoleDecorator[] decorators) { val messageString = message.toString // 0. split the message val separatedMessage = if(messageString.startsWith(separator,-1)) { #[""]+messageString.split(separator,-1) } else { messageString.split(separator,-1).toList } if(separatedMessage.size-1 !== decorators.size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException } return '''«FOR i : 0..= 0 && >= 0 && >= 0) { newColor = new Color(originalBackgroundColor.device,,, this.runtimeConsole.setBackground(newColor) } stream.flush val CompletableFuture finished = new CompletableFuture val listener = new IDocumentListener() { override documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent event) { } override documentChanged(DocumentEvent event) { //println('''ftext="«event.fText»", message="«message.text»" endswith=«event.fText.endsWith(message.text)»''') if(event.fText.endsWith(text)) { val from = event.fDocument.length-text.length+1 val length = message.text.length //println('''from: «from» length «length»''') try{ runtimeConsole.addHyperlink( new ScriptConsoleFileHiperlink(message.hyperlink), from, length ) //println("link added") } catch(BadLocationException e) { } finally { runtimeConsole.document.removeDocumentListener(this) finished.complete(true) } } } } runtimeConsole.document.addDocumentListener(listener) stream.print(text) stream.flush finished.get // if( >= 0 && >= 0 && >= 0) { newColor.dispose this.runtimeConsole.setBackground(originalBackgroundColor) } } } @Data class ScriptConsoleDecorator { String text File hyperlink int Red int Green int Blue public new(String text) { this.text = text this.hyperlink = null this.Red = -1 this.Green = -1 this.Blue = -1 } public new(String text, File hyperlink) { this.text = text this.hyperlink = hyperlink this.Red = -1 this.Green = -1 this.Blue = -1 } public new(String text, int red, int green, int blue) { this.text = text this.hyperlink = null this.Red = red this.Green = green this.Blue = blue } public new(String text, File hyperlink, int red, int green, int blue) { this.text = text this.hyperlink = hyperlink this.Red = red this.Green = green this.Blue = blue } }