package import import import import import import java.util.LinkedHashSet import java.util.List import java.util.Set import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIResourceFactoryImpl import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1 class MetamodelLoader { def private static init() { EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.EClass Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE.extensionToFactoryMap.put("ecore",new XMIResourceFactoryImpl) } public new() { init } def loadMetamodel(MetamodelSpecification specification) throws IllegalArgumentException { val Set classes = new LinkedHashSet val Set enums = new LinkedHashSet val Set literals = new LinkedHashSet val Set references = new LinkedHashSet val Set attributes = new LinkedHashSet /** Add all included types */ for(entry : specification.entries) { classes+=entry.classes enums+=entry.enums literals+=entry.literals references+=entry.references attributes+=entry.attributes } // TODO: Delete this code after generation for ecore return new EcoreMetamodelDescriptor(classes.toList, emptySet, false, enums.toList, literals.toList, references.toList, attributes.toList) } def List extractElements(MetamodelEntry entry, Function1> packageEntryExtractor, Function1> metamodelElementExtractor) { if(entry instanceof MetamodelElement) { return metamodelElementExtractor.apply(entry).toList } else if(entry instanceof AllPackageEntry) { val excluded =[metamodelElementExtractor.apply(it)].flatten.toSet return packageEntryExtractor.apply(entry).filter[!excluded.contains(it)].toList } else throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Unsupported entry type: "«entry.class.simpleName»"!''') } def getClasses(MetamodelEntry entry) { return entry.extractElements( [package.EClassifiers.filter(EClass)], [val classifier = it.classifier if(classifier instanceof EClass){ if(it.feature === null) { return #[classifier]} } return emptyList ] ) } def getEnums(MetamodelEntry entry) { return entry.extractElements( [package.EClassifiers.filter(EEnum)], [val classifier = it.classifier if(classifier instanceof EEnum){ if(it.feature === null) { return #[classifier]} } return emptyList ] ) } def getLiterals(MetamodelEntry entry) { return entry.extractElements( [package.EClassifiers.filter(EEnum).map[ELiterals].flatten], [val feature = it.feature if(feature instanceof EEnumLiteral){ return #[feature] } return emptyList ] ) } def getReferences(MetamodelEntry entry) { return entry.extractElements( [package.EClassifiers.filter(EClass).map[EReferences].flatten], [val feature = it.feature if(feature instanceof EReference) { return #[feature] } return emptyList ] ) } def getAttributes(MetamodelEntry entry) { return entry.extractElements( [package.EClassifiers.filter(EClass).map[EAttributes].flatten], [val feature = it.feature if(feature instanceof EAttribute) {return #[feature]} return emptyList ] ) } // public def List loadPackageFromPath(String path, ResourceSet rs, Context context) throws RuntimeException { // var Resource resource; // try{ // resource = rs.getResource(URI.createURI(path),true) // } catch(RuntimeException e) { // context.writeError('''Unable to load EPackage: Error in path "«path»"!''') // return #[] // } // val res = new ArrayList(resource.contents.size) // for(content: resource.contents) { // if(content instanceof EPackage) { // res += content // } else { // context.writeError('''Unable to load EPackage: The content of "«path»" is not an EPackage, but "«»"!''') // } // } // return res // } }