From f87b4233437f0900c19f462b5e443a3c81b27b6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ArenBabikian Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 12:44:33 -0500 Subject: Initial workspace setup --- .../internal/ | 17577 +++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 17577 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Solvers/Vampire-Solver/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.language.ide/src-gen/ca/mcgill/ecse/dslreasoner/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ (limited to 'Solvers/Vampire-Solver/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.language.ide/src-gen/ca/mcgill/ecse/dslreasoner/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/') diff --git a/Solvers/Vampire-Solver/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.language.ide/src-gen/ca/mcgill/ecse/dslreasoner/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ b/Solvers/Vampire-Solver/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.language.ide/src-gen/ca/mcgill/ecse/dslreasoner/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d39bf4b --- /dev/null +++ b/Solvers/Vampire-Solver/ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.vampire.language.ide/src-gen/ca/mcgill/ecse/dslreasoner/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal/ @@ -0,0 +1,17577 @@ +package ca.mcgill.ecse.dslreasoner.ide.contentassist.antlr.internal; + +import; +import org.eclipse.xtext.*; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*; +import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; +import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream; +import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens; +import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.AbstractInternalContentAssistParser; +import org.eclipse.xtext.ide.editor.contentassist.antlr.internal.DFA; +import; + + + +import org.antlr.runtime.*; +import java.util.Stack; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.ArrayList; + +@SuppressWarnings("all") +public class InternalVampireLanguageParser extends AbstractInternalContentAssistParser { + public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { + "", "", "", "", "RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID", "RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE", "RULE_LITERAL", "RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL", "RULE_DOLLAR_ID", "RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID", "RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT", "RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID", "RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID", "RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID", "RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE", "RULE_ALPHA_NUMERIC", "RULE_SIGN", "RULE_INT", "RULE_UNSIGNED_REAL_FRAC_ID", "RULE_UNSIGNED_REAL_EXP_ID", "RULE_UNSIGNED_RAT_ID", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "'axiom'", "'conjecture'", "'hypothesis'", "'definition'", "'assumption'", "'lemma'", "'theorem'", "'corollary'", "'negated_conjecture'", "'plain'", "'type'", "'fi_domain'", "'fi_functors'", "'fi_predicates'", "'unknown'", "'include('", "',['", "']'", "','", "'fof'", "'('", "')'", "'.'", "'['", "'<=>'", "'=>'", "'<='", "'<~>'", "'~|'", "'~&'", "'&'", "'|'", "'!'", "':'", "'?'", "'~'", "'!='", "'='", "':='", "'$true'", "'$false'", "'$less'" + }; + public static final int RULE_UNSIGNED_RAT_ID=20; + public static final int T__50=50; + public static final int RULE_SIGN=16; + public static final int T__59=59; + public static final int RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL=7; + public static final int T__55=55; + public static final int T__56=56; + public static final int T__57=57; + public static final int T__58=58; + public static final int T__51=51; + public static final int RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE=14; + public static final int T__52=52; + public static final int RULE_LITERAL=6; + public static final int T__53=53; + public static final int RULE_UNSIGNED_REAL_FRAC_ID=18; + public static final int T__54=54; + public static final int T__60=60; + public static final int T__61=61; + public static final int RULE_ID=22; + public static final int RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE=5; + public static final int RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT=10; + public static final int T__27=27; + public static final int T__28=28; + public static final int RULE_INT=17; + public static final int T__29=29; + public static final int T__66=66; + public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=24; + public static final int T__67=67; + public static final int RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID=13; + public static final int T__68=68; + public static final int T__62=62; + public static final int T__63=63; + public static final int T__64=64; + public static final int T__65=65; + public static final int RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID=4; + public static final int RULE_STRING=23; + public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=25; + public static final int T__37=37; + public static final int T__38=38; + public static final int T__39=39; + public static final int T__33=33; + public static final int T__34=34; + public static final int T__35=35; + public static final int T__36=36; + public static final int EOF=-1; + public static final int T__30=30; + public static final int RULE_UNSIGNED_REAL_EXP_ID=19; + public static final int T__31=31; + public static final int T__32=32; + public static final int RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID=11; + public static final int RULE_WS=26; + public static final int RULE_DOLLAR_ID=8; + public static final int RULE_ALPHA_NUMERIC=15; + public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=21; + public static final int RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID=9; + public static final int T__48=48; + public static final int T__49=49; + public static final int T__44=44; + public static final int T__45=45; + public static final int RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID=12; + public static final int T__46=46; + public static final int T__47=47; + public static final int T__40=40; + public static final int T__41=41; + public static final int T__42=42; + public static final int T__43=43; + + // delegates + // delegators + + + public InternalVampireLanguageParser(TokenStream input) { + this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); + } + public InternalVampireLanguageParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { + super(input, state); + + } + + + public String[] getTokenNames() { return InternalVampireLanguageParser.tokenNames; } + public String getGrammarFileName() { return "InternalVampireLanguage.g"; } + + + private VampireLanguageGrammarAccess grammarAccess; + + public void setGrammarAccess(VampireLanguageGrammarAccess grammarAccess) { + this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess; + } + + @Override + protected Grammar getGrammar() { + return grammarAccess.getGrammar(); + } + + @Override + protected String getValueForTokenName(String tokenName) { + return tokenName; + } + + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVampireModel" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:53:1: entryRuleVampireModel : ruleVampireModel EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVampireModel() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:54:1: ( ruleVampireModel EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:55:1: ruleVampireModel EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVampireModel(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVampireModel" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVampireModel" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:62:1: ruleVampireModel : ( ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* ) ; + public final void ruleVampireModel() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:66:2: ( ( ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:67:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:67:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:68:3: ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:69:3: ( rule__VampireModel__Alternatives )* + loop1: + do { + int alt1=2; + int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA1_0==RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT||LA1_0==42||LA1_0==46) ) { + alt1=1; + } + + + switch (alt1) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:69:4: rule__VampireModel__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_3); + rule__VampireModel__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop1; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVampireModel" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSInclude" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:78:1: entryRuleVLSInclude : ruleVLSInclude EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSInclude() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:79:1: ( ruleVLSInclude EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:80:1: ruleVLSInclude EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSInclude(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSInclude" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSInclude" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:87:1: ruleVLSInclude : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSInclude() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:91:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:92:2: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:92:2: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:93:3: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:94:3: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:94:4: rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSInclude" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSName" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:103:1: entryRuleVLSName : ruleVLSName EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSName() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:104:1: ( ruleVLSName EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:105:1: ruleVLSName EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSName" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSName" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:112:1: ruleVLSName : ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSName() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:116:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:117:2: ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:117:2: ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:118:3: ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameAssignment()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:119:3: ( rule__VLSName__NameAssignment ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:119:4: rule__VLSName__NameAssignment + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSName__NameAssignment(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameAssignment()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSName" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSComment" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:128:1: entryRuleVLSComment : ruleVLSComment EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSComment() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:129:1: ( ruleVLSComment EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:130:1: ruleVLSComment EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSComment(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSComment" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSComment" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:137:1: ruleVLSComment : ( ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSComment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:141:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:142:2: ( ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:142:2: ( ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:143:3: ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentAccess().getCommentAssignment()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:144:3: ( rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:144:4: rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentAccess().getCommentAssignment()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSComment" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFofFormula" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:153:1: entryRuleVLSFofFormula : ruleVLSFofFormula EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFofFormula() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:154:1: ( ruleVLSFofFormula EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:155:1: ruleVLSFofFormula EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFofFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFofFormula" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFofFormula" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:162:1: ruleVLSFofFormula : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFofFormula() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:166:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:167:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:167:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:168:3: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:169:3: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:169:4: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFofFormula" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSRole" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:178:1: entryRuleVLSRole : ruleVLSRole EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSRole() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:179:1: ( ruleVLSRole EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:180:1: ruleVLSRole EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSRole(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSRole" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSRole" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:187:1: ruleVLSRole : ( ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSRole() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:191:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:192:2: ( ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:192:2: ( ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:193:3: ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:194:3: ( rule__VLSRole__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:194:4: rule__VLSRole__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSRole__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSRole" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAxiom" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:203:1: entryRuleVLSAxiom : ruleVLSAxiom EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAxiom() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:204:1: ( ruleVLSAxiom EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:205:1: ruleVLSAxiom EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAxiomRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAxiom(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAxiomRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAxiom" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAxiom" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:212:1: ruleVLSAxiom : ( 'axiom' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAxiom() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:216:2: ( ( 'axiom' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:217:2: ( 'axiom' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:217:2: ( 'axiom' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:218:3: 'axiom' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAxiomAccess().getAxiomKeyword()); + match(input,27,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAxiomAccess().getAxiomKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAxiom" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSConjecture" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:228:1: entryRuleVLSConjecture : ruleVLSConjecture EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSConjecture() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:229:1: ( ruleVLSConjecture EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:230:1: ruleVLSConjecture EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSConjectureRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSConjecture(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSConjectureRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSConjecture" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSConjecture" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:237:1: ruleVLSConjecture : ( 'conjecture' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSConjecture() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:241:2: ( ( 'conjecture' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:242:2: ( 'conjecture' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:242:2: ( 'conjecture' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:243:3: 'conjecture' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSConjectureAccess().getConjectureKeyword()); + match(input,28,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSConjectureAccess().getConjectureKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSConjecture" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSHypothesis" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:253:1: entryRuleVLSHypothesis : ruleVLSHypothesis EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSHypothesis() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:254:1: ( ruleVLSHypothesis EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:255:1: ruleVLSHypothesis EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSHypothesisRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSHypothesis(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSHypothesisRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSHypothesis" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSHypothesis" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:262:1: ruleVLSHypothesis : ( 'hypothesis' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSHypothesis() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:266:2: ( ( 'hypothesis' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:267:2: ( 'hypothesis' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:267:2: ( 'hypothesis' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:268:3: 'hypothesis' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSHypothesisAccess().getHypothesisKeyword()); + match(input,29,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSHypothesisAccess().getHypothesisKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSHypothesis" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSDefinition" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:278:1: entryRuleVLSDefinition : ruleVLSDefinition EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSDefinition() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:279:1: ( ruleVLSDefinition EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:280:1: ruleVLSDefinition EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinitionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSDefinition(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinitionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSDefinition" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSDefinition" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:287:1: ruleVLSDefinition : ( 'definition' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSDefinition() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:291:2: ( ( 'definition' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:292:2: ( 'definition' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:292:2: ( 'definition' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:293:3: 'definition' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinitionAccess().getDefinitionKeyword()); + match(input,30,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinitionAccess().getDefinitionKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSDefinition" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAssumption" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:303:1: entryRuleVLSAssumption : ruleVLSAssumption EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAssumption() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:304:1: ( ruleVLSAssumption EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:305:1: ruleVLSAssumption EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAssumptionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAssumption(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAssumptionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAssumption" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAssumption" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:312:1: ruleVLSAssumption : ( 'assumption' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAssumption() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:316:2: ( ( 'assumption' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:317:2: ( 'assumption' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:317:2: ( 'assumption' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:318:3: 'assumption' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAssumptionAccess().getAssumptionKeyword()); + match(input,31,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAssumptionAccess().getAssumptionKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAssumption" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSLemma" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:328:1: entryRuleVLSLemma : ruleVLSLemma EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSLemma() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:329:1: ( ruleVLSLemma EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:330:1: ruleVLSLemma EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSLemmaRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSLemma(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSLemmaRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSLemma" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSLemma" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:337:1: ruleVLSLemma : ( 'lemma' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSLemma() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:341:2: ( ( 'lemma' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:342:2: ( 'lemma' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:342:2: ( 'lemma' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:343:3: 'lemma' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSLemmaAccess().getLemmaKeyword()); + match(input,32,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSLemmaAccess().getLemmaKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSLemma" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSTheorem" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:353:1: entryRuleVLSTheorem : ruleVLSTheorem EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSTheorem() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:354:1: ( ruleVLSTheorem EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:355:1: ruleVLSTheorem EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTheoremRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSTheorem(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTheoremRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSTheorem" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSTheorem" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:362:1: ruleVLSTheorem : ( 'theorem' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSTheorem() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:366:2: ( ( 'theorem' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:367:2: ( 'theorem' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:367:2: ( 'theorem' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:368:3: 'theorem' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTheoremAccess().getTheoremKeyword()); + match(input,33,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTheoremAccess().getTheoremKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSTheorem" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSCorollary" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:378:1: entryRuleVLSCorollary : ruleVLSCorollary EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSCorollary() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:379:1: ( ruleVLSCorollary EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:380:1: ruleVLSCorollary EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSCorollaryRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSCorollary(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSCorollaryRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSCorollary" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSCorollary" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:387:1: ruleVLSCorollary : ( 'corollary' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSCorollary() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:391:2: ( ( 'corollary' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:392:2: ( 'corollary' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:392:2: ( 'corollary' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:393:3: 'corollary' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSCorollaryAccess().getCorollaryKeyword()); + match(input,34,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSCorollaryAccess().getCorollaryKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSCorollary" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSNegated_Conjecture" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:403:1: entryRuleVLSNegated_Conjecture : ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSNegated_Conjecture() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:404:1: ( ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:405:1: ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNegated_ConjectureRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNegated_ConjectureRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSNegated_Conjecture" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:412:1: ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture : ( 'negated_conjecture' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:416:2: ( ( 'negated_conjecture' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:417:2: ( 'negated_conjecture' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:417:2: ( 'negated_conjecture' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:418:3: 'negated_conjecture' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNegated_ConjectureAccess().getNegated_conjectureKeyword()); + match(input,35,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNegated_ConjectureAccess().getNegated_conjectureKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSPlain" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:428:1: entryRuleVLSPlain : ruleVLSPlain EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSPlain() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:429:1: ( ruleVLSPlain EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:430:1: ruleVLSPlain EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSPlainRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSPlain(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSPlainRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSPlain" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSPlain" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:437:1: ruleVLSPlain : ( 'plain' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSPlain() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:441:2: ( ( 'plain' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:442:2: ( 'plain' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:442:2: ( 'plain' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:443:3: 'plain' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSPlainAccess().getPlainKeyword()); + match(input,36,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSPlainAccess().getPlainKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSPlain" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSType" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:453:1: entryRuleVLSType : ruleVLSType EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSType() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:454:1: ( ruleVLSType EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:455:1: ruleVLSType EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTypeRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSType(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTypeRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSType" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSType" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:462:1: ruleVLSType : ( 'type' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSType() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:466:2: ( ( 'type' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:467:2: ( 'type' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:467:2: ( 'type' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:468:3: 'type' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTypeAccess().getTypeKeyword()); + match(input,37,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTypeAccess().getTypeKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSType" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFi_Domain" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:478:1: entryRuleVLSFi_Domain : ruleVLSFi_Domain EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFi_Domain() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:479:1: ( ruleVLSFi_Domain EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:480:1: ruleVLSFi_Domain EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_DomainRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFi_Domain(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_DomainRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFi_Domain" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFi_Domain" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:487:1: ruleVLSFi_Domain : ( 'fi_domain' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFi_Domain() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:491:2: ( ( 'fi_domain' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:492:2: ( 'fi_domain' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:492:2: ( 'fi_domain' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:493:3: 'fi_domain' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_DomainAccess().getFi_domainKeyword()); + match(input,38,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_DomainAccess().getFi_domainKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFi_Domain" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFi_Functors" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:503:1: entryRuleVLSFi_Functors : ruleVLSFi_Functors EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFi_Functors() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:504:1: ( ruleVLSFi_Functors EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:505:1: ruleVLSFi_Functors EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_FunctorsRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFi_Functors(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_FunctorsRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFi_Functors" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFi_Functors" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:512:1: ruleVLSFi_Functors : ( 'fi_functors' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFi_Functors() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:516:2: ( ( 'fi_functors' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:517:2: ( 'fi_functors' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:517:2: ( 'fi_functors' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:518:3: 'fi_functors' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_FunctorsAccess().getFi_functorsKeyword()); + match(input,39,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_FunctorsAccess().getFi_functorsKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFi_Functors" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFi_Predicates" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:528:1: entryRuleVLSFi_Predicates : ruleVLSFi_Predicates EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFi_Predicates() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:529:1: ( ruleVLSFi_Predicates EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:530:1: ruleVLSFi_Predicates EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_PredicatesRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFi_Predicates(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_PredicatesRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFi_Predicates" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFi_Predicates" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:537:1: ruleVLSFi_Predicates : ( 'fi_predicates' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFi_Predicates() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:541:2: ( ( 'fi_predicates' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:542:2: ( 'fi_predicates' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:542:2: ( 'fi_predicates' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:543:3: 'fi_predicates' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_PredicatesAccess().getFi_predicatesKeyword()); + match(input,40,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFi_PredicatesAccess().getFi_predicatesKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFi_Predicates" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSUnknown" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:553:1: entryRuleVLSUnknown : ruleVLSUnknown EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSUnknown() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:554:1: ( ruleVLSUnknown EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:555:1: ruleVLSUnknown EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnknownRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSUnknown(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnknownRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSUnknown" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSUnknown" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:562:1: ruleVLSUnknown : ( 'unknown' ) ; + public final void ruleVLSUnknown() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:566:2: ( ( 'unknown' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:567:2: ( 'unknown' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:567:2: ( 'unknown' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:568:3: 'unknown' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnknownAccess().getUnknownKeyword()); + match(input,41,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnknownAccess().getUnknownKeyword()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSUnknown" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAnnotation" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:578:1: entryRuleVLSAnnotation : ruleVLSAnnotation EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAnnotation() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:579:1: ( ruleVLSAnnotation EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:580:1: ruleVLSAnnotation EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAnnotation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAnnotation" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAnnotation" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:587:1: ruleVLSAnnotation : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAnnotation() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:591:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:592:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:592:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:593:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:594:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:594:4: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAnnotation" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAnnotationTerms" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:603:1: entryRuleVLSAnnotationTerms : ruleVLSAnnotationTerms EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAnnotationTerms() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:604:1: ( ruleVLSAnnotationTerms EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:605:1: ruleVLSAnnotationTerms EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAnnotationTerms(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAnnotationTerms" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAnnotationTerms" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:612:1: ruleVLSAnnotationTerms : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAnnotationTerms() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:616:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:617:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:617:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:618:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:619:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:619:4: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAnnotationTerms" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:628:1: entryRuleVLSTerm : ruleVLSTerm EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSTerm() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:629:1: ( ruleVLSTerm EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:630:1: ruleVLSTerm EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTermRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTermRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:637:1: ruleVLSTerm : ( ruleVLSBinary ) ; + public final void ruleVLSTerm() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:641:2: ( ( ruleVLSBinary ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:642:2: ( ruleVLSBinary ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:642:2: ( ruleVLSBinary ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:643:3: ruleVLSBinary + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSTermAccess().getVLSBinaryParserRuleCall()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSBinary(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSTermAccess().getVLSBinaryParserRuleCall()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSBinary" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:653:1: entryRuleVLSBinary : ruleVLSBinary EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSBinary() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:654:1: ( ruleVLSBinary EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:655:1: ruleVLSBinary EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSBinary(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSBinary" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSBinary" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:662:1: ruleVLSBinary : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSBinary() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:666:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:667:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:667:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:668:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:669:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:669:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSBinary" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSUnitaryFormula" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:678:1: entryRuleVLSUnitaryFormula : ruleVLSUnitaryFormula EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSUnitaryFormula() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:679:1: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:680:1: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSUnitaryFormula" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSUnitaryFormula" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:687:1: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula : ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSUnitaryFormula() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:691:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:692:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:692:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:693:3: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:694:3: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:694:4: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSUnitaryFormula" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSUniversalQuantifier" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:703:1: entryRuleVLSUniversalQuantifier : ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSUniversalQuantifier() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:704:1: ( ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:705:1: ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSUniversalQuantifier" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:712:1: ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:716:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:717:2: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:717:2: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:718:3: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:719:3: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:719:4: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSExistentialQuantifier" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:728:1: entryRuleVLSExistentialQuantifier : ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSExistentialQuantifier() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:729:1: ( ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:730:1: ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSExistentialQuantifier" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:737:1: ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:741:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:742:2: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:742:2: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:743:3: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:744:3: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:744:4: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSUnaryNegation" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:753:1: entryRuleVLSUnaryNegation : ruleVLSUnaryNegation EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSUnaryNegation() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:754:1: ( ruleVLSUnaryNegation EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:755:1: ruleVLSUnaryNegation EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSUnaryNegation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSUnaryNegation" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSUnaryNegation" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:762:1: ruleVLSUnaryNegation : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSUnaryNegation() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:766:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:767:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:767:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:768:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:769:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:769:4: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSUnaryNegation" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSUnaryInfix" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:778:1: entryRuleVLSUnaryInfix : ruleVLSUnaryInfix EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSUnaryInfix() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:779:1: ( ruleVLSUnaryInfix EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:780:1: ruleVLSUnaryInfix EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSUnaryInfix(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSUnaryInfix" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSUnaryInfix" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:787:1: ruleVLSUnaryInfix : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSUnaryInfix() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:791:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:792:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:792:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:793:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:794:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:794:4: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSUnaryInfix" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAtomic" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:803:1: entryRuleVLSAtomic : ruleVLSAtomic EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAtomic() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:804:1: ( ruleVLSAtomic EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:805:1: ruleVLSAtomic EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAtomic(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAtomic" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAtomic" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:812:1: ruleVLSAtomic : ( ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAtomic() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:816:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:817:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:817:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:818:3: ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:819:3: ( rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:819:4: rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAtomic" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAtomicConstant" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:828:1: entryRuleVLSAtomicConstant : ruleVLSAtomicConstant EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAtomicConstant() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:829:1: ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:830:1: ruleVLSAtomicConstant EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAtomicConstant(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAtomicConstant" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAtomicConstant" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:837:1: ruleVLSAtomicConstant : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAtomicConstant() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:841:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:842:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:842:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:843:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:844:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:844:4: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAtomicConstant" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSAtomicFunction" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:853:1: entryRuleVLSAtomicFunction : ruleVLSAtomicFunction EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSAtomicFunction() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:854:1: ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:855:1: ruleVLSAtomicFunction EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSAtomicFunction(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSAtomicFunction" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSAtomicFunction" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:862:1: ruleVLSAtomicFunction : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSAtomicFunction() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:866:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:867:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:867:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:868:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:869:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:869:4: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSAtomicFunction" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSVariable" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:878:1: entryRuleVLSVariable : ruleVLSVariable EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSVariable() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:879:1: ( ruleVLSVariable EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:880:1: ruleVLSVariable EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSVariable" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSVariable" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:887:1: ruleVLSVariable : ( ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSVariable() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:891:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:892:2: ( ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:892:2: ( ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:893:3: ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableAccess().getNameAssignment()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:894:3: ( rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:894:4: rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableAccess().getNameAssignment()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSVariable" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFofTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:903:1: entryRuleVLSFofTerm : ruleVLSFofTerm EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFofTerm() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:904:1: ( ruleVLSFofTerm EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:905:1: ruleVLSFofTerm EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFofTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFofTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:912:1: ruleVLSFofTerm : ( ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFofTerm() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:916:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:917:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:917:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:918:3: ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:919:3: ( rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:919:4: rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFofTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSFunctionFof" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:928:1: entryRuleVLSFunctionFof : ruleVLSFunctionFof EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSFunctionFof() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:929:1: ( ruleVLSFunctionFof EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:930:1: ruleVLSFunctionFof EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSFunctionFof(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSFunctionFof" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSFunctionFof" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:937:1: ruleVLSFunctionFof : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSFunctionFof() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:941:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:942:2: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:942:2: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:943:3: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:944:3: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:944:4: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSFunctionFof" + + + // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVLSDefinedTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:953:1: entryRuleVLSDefinedTerm : ruleVLSDefinedTerm EOF ; + public final void entryRuleVLSDefinedTerm() throws RecognitionException { + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:954:1: ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm EOF ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:955:1: ruleVLSDefinedTerm EOF + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermRule()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); + ruleVLSDefinedTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermRule()); + match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVLSDefinedTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "ruleVLSDefinedTerm" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:962:1: ruleVLSDefinedTerm : ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) ) ; + public final void ruleVLSDefinedTerm() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:966:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:967:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:967:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:968:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getAlternatives()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:969:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:969:4: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getAlternatives()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "ruleVLSDefinedTerm" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VampireModel__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:977:1: rule__VampireModel__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VampireModel__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:981:1: ( ( ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) ) | ( ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) ) ) + int alt2=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 42: + { + alt2=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT: + { + alt2=2; + } + break; + case 46: + { + alt2=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt2) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:982:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:982:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:983:3: ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getIncludesAssignment_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:984:3: ( rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:984:4: rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getIncludesAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:988:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:988:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:989:3: ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getCommentsAssignment_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:990:3: ( rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:990:4: rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getCommentsAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:994:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:994:2: ( ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:995:3: ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getFormulasAssignment_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:996:3: ( rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:996:4: rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getFormulasAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VampireModel__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1004:1: rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_LITERAL ) | ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) ); + public final void rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1008:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_LITERAL ) | ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) ) + int alt3=4; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt3=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt3=2; + } + break; + case RULE_LITERAL: + { + alt3=3; + } + break; + case RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL: + { + alt3=4; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt3) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1009:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1009:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1010:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1015:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1015:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1016:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1021:2: ( RULE_LITERAL ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1021:2: ( RULE_LITERAL ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1022:3: RULE_LITERAL + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameLITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_2()); + match(input,RULE_LITERAL,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameLITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1027:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1027:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1028:3: RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_3()); + match(input,RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1037:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) ); + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1041:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) ) + int alt4=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt4=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL: + { + alt4=2; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt4=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 4, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt4) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1042:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1042:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1043:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_2_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1048:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1048:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1049:3: RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_2_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_2_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1054:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1054:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1055:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_2_0_2()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_2_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSRole__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1064:1: rule__VLSRole__Alternatives : ( ( ruleVLSAxiom ) | ( ruleVLSConjecture ) | ( ruleVLSHypothesis ) | ( ruleVLSDefinition ) | ( ruleVLSAssumption ) | ( ruleVLSLemma ) | ( ruleVLSTheorem ) | ( ruleVLSCorollary ) | ( ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture ) | ( ruleVLSPlain ) | ( ruleVLSType ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Domain ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Functors ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Predicates ) | ( ruleVLSUnknown ) ); + public final void rule__VLSRole__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1068:1: ( ( ruleVLSAxiom ) | ( ruleVLSConjecture ) | ( ruleVLSHypothesis ) | ( ruleVLSDefinition ) | ( ruleVLSAssumption ) | ( ruleVLSLemma ) | ( ruleVLSTheorem ) | ( ruleVLSCorollary ) | ( ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture ) | ( ruleVLSPlain ) | ( ruleVLSType ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Domain ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Functors ) | ( ruleVLSFi_Predicates ) | ( ruleVLSUnknown ) ) + int alt5=15; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 27: + { + alt5=1; + } + break; + case 28: + { + alt5=2; + } + break; + case 29: + { + alt5=3; + } + break; + case 30: + { + alt5=4; + } + break; + case 31: + { + alt5=5; + } + break; + case 32: + { + alt5=6; + } + break; + case 33: + { + alt5=7; + } + break; + case 34: + { + alt5=8; + } + break; + case 35: + { + alt5=9; + } + break; + case 36: + { + alt5=10; + } + break; + case 37: + { + alt5=11; + } + break; + case 38: + { + alt5=12; + } + break; + case 39: + { + alt5=13; + } + break; + case 40: + { + alt5=14; + } + break; + case 41: + { + alt5=15; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt5) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1069:2: ( ruleVLSAxiom ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1069:2: ( ruleVLSAxiom ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1070:3: ruleVLSAxiom + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSAxiomParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAxiom(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSAxiomParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1075:2: ( ruleVLSConjecture ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1075:2: ( ruleVLSConjecture ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1076:3: ruleVLSConjecture + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSConjectureParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSConjecture(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSConjectureParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1081:2: ( ruleVLSHypothesis ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1081:2: ( ruleVLSHypothesis ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1082:3: ruleVLSHypothesis + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSHypothesisParserRuleCall_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSHypothesis(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSHypothesisParserRuleCall_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1087:2: ( ruleVLSDefinition ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1087:2: ( ruleVLSDefinition ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1088:3: ruleVLSDefinition + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSDefinitionParserRuleCall_3()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSDefinition(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSDefinitionParserRuleCall_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 5 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1093:2: ( ruleVLSAssumption ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1093:2: ( ruleVLSAssumption ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1094:3: ruleVLSAssumption + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSAssumptionParserRuleCall_4()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAssumption(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSAssumptionParserRuleCall_4()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 6 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1099:2: ( ruleVLSLemma ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1099:2: ( ruleVLSLemma ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1100:3: ruleVLSLemma + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSLemmaParserRuleCall_5()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSLemma(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSLemmaParserRuleCall_5()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 7 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1105:2: ( ruleVLSTheorem ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1105:2: ( ruleVLSTheorem ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1106:3: ruleVLSTheorem + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSTheoremParserRuleCall_6()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSTheorem(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSTheoremParserRuleCall_6()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 8 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1111:2: ( ruleVLSCorollary ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1111:2: ( ruleVLSCorollary ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1112:3: ruleVLSCorollary + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSCorollaryParserRuleCall_7()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSCorollary(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSCorollaryParserRuleCall_7()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 9 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1117:2: ( ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1117:2: ( ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1118:3: ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSNegated_ConjectureParserRuleCall_8()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSNegated_Conjecture(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSNegated_ConjectureParserRuleCall_8()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 10 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1123:2: ( ruleVLSPlain ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1123:2: ( ruleVLSPlain ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1124:3: ruleVLSPlain + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSPlainParserRuleCall_9()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSPlain(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSPlainParserRuleCall_9()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 11 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1129:2: ( ruleVLSType ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1129:2: ( ruleVLSType ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1130:3: ruleVLSType + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSTypeParserRuleCall_10()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSType(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSTypeParserRuleCall_10()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 12 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1135:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Domain ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1135:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Domain ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1136:3: ruleVLSFi_Domain + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_DomainParserRuleCall_11()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFi_Domain(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_DomainParserRuleCall_11()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 13 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1141:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Functors ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1141:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Functors ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1142:3: ruleVLSFi_Functors + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_FunctorsParserRuleCall_12()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFi_Functors(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_FunctorsParserRuleCall_12()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 14 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1147:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Predicates ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1147:2: ( ruleVLSFi_Predicates ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1148:3: ruleVLSFi_Predicates + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_PredicatesParserRuleCall_13()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFi_Predicates(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSFi_PredicatesParserRuleCall_13()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 15 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1153:2: ( ruleVLSUnknown ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1153:2: ( ruleVLSUnknown ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1154:3: ruleVLSUnknown + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSUnknownParserRuleCall_14()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnknown(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSRoleAccess().getVLSUnknownParserRuleCall_14()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSRole__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1163:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1167:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ) + int alt6=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt6=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt6=2; + } + break; + case 27: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + { + alt6=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 6, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt6) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1168:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1168:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1169:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1174:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1174:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1175:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_1_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1180:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1180:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1181:3: ruleVLSRole + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameVLSRoleParserRuleCall_1_0_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSRole(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameVLSRoleParserRuleCall_1_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1190:1: rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 : ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) ) | ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) ) | ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1194:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) ) | ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) ) | ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ) ) + int alt9=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 51: + case 52: + case 53: + case 54: + case 55: + case 56: + { + alt9=1; + } + break; + case 57: + { + alt9=2; + } + break; + case 58: + { + alt9=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt9) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1195:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1195:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1196:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1197:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1197:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1201:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1201:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1202:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1202:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1203:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1204:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1204:5: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_4); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_1()); + + } + + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1207:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1208:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1209:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 )* + loop7: + do { + int alt7=2; + int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA7_0==57) ) { + alt7=1; + } + + + switch (alt7) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1209:5: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_4); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop7; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1214:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1214:2: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1215:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1215:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1216:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1217:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1217:5: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + + } + + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1220:3: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1221:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1222:4: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 )* + loop8: + do { + int alt8=2; + int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA8_0==58) ) { + alt8=1; + } + + + switch (alt8) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1222:5: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop8; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1231:1: rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 : ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1235:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) ) ) + int alt10=6; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 51: + { + alt10=1; + } + break; + case 52: + { + alt10=2; + } + break; + case 53: + { + alt10=3; + } + break; + case 54: + { + alt10=4; + } + break; + case 55: + { + alt10=5; + } + break; + case 56: + { + alt10=6; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 10, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt10) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1236:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1236:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1237:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1238:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1238:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1242:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1242:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1243:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1244:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1244:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1248:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1248:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1249:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1250:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1250:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1254:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1254:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1255:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1256:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1256:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 5 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1260:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1260:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1261:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_4()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1262:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1262:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_4()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 6 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1266:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1266:2: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1267:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_5()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1268:3: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1268:4: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getGroup_1_0_0_5()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1276:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives : ( ( ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier ) | ( ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier ) | ( ruleVLSUnaryNegation ) | ( ruleVLSUnaryInfix ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1280:1: ( ( ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier ) | ( ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier ) | ( ruleVLSUnaryNegation ) | ( ruleVLSUnaryInfix ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) ) ) + int alt11=5; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 59: + { + alt11=1; + } + break; + case 61: + { + alt11=2; + } + break; + case 62: + { + alt11=3; + } + break; + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + case RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL: + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + case RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID: + case RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID: + case RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID: + case RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE: + case 27: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + case 66: + case 67: + case 68: + { + alt11=4; + } + break; + case 47: + { + alt11=5; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt11) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1281:2: ( ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1281:2: ( ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1282:3: ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUniversalQuantifierParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUniversalQuantifier(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUniversalQuantifierParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1287:2: ( ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1287:2: ( ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1288:3: ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSExistentialQuantifierParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSExistentialQuantifier(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSExistentialQuantifierParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1293:2: ( ruleVLSUnaryNegation ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1293:2: ( ruleVLSUnaryNegation ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1294:3: ruleVLSUnaryNegation + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUnaryNegationParserRuleCall_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnaryNegation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUnaryNegationParserRuleCall_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1299:2: ( ruleVLSUnaryInfix ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1299:2: ( ruleVLSUnaryInfix ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1300:3: ruleVLSUnaryInfix + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUnaryInfixParserRuleCall_3()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnaryInfix(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSUnaryInfixParserRuleCall_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 5 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1305:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1305:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1306:3: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getGroup_4()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1307:3: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1307:4: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getGroup_4()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1315:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 : ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1319:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) ) ) + int alt12=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case 63: + { + alt12=1; + } + break; + case 64: + { + alt12=2; + } + break; + case 65: + { + alt12=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 12, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt12) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1320:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1320:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1321:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1322:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1322:4: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1326:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1326:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1327:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1328:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1328:4: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1332:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1332:2: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1333:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1334:3: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1334:4: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1342:1: rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives : ( ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant ) | ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction ) | ( ruleVLSVariable ) | ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1346:1: ( ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant ) | ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction ) | ( ruleVLSVariable ) | ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) ) + int alt13=4; + alt13 = dfa13.predict(input); + switch (alt13) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1347:2: ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1347:2: ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1348:3: ruleVLSAtomicConstant + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSAtomicConstantParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAtomicConstant(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSAtomicConstantParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1353:2: ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1353:2: ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1354:3: ruleVLSAtomicFunction + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSAtomicFunctionParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAtomicFunction(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSAtomicFunctionParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1359:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1359:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1360:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSVariableParserRuleCall_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSVariableParserRuleCall_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1365:2: ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1365:2: ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1366:3: ruleVLSDefinedTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSDefinedTermParserRuleCall_3()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSDefinedTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicAccess().getVLSDefinedTermParserRuleCall_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1375:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1379:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) ) ) + int alt14=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + case 27: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + { + alt14=1; + } + break; + case 66: + { + alt14=2; + } + break; + case 67: + { + alt14=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt14) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1380:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1380:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1381:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1382:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1382:4: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1386:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1386:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1387:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1388:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1388:4: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1392:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1392:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1393:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1394:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1394:4: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getGroup_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1402:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1406:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ) + int alt15=5; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt15=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt15=2; + } + break; + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt15=3; + } + break; + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt15=4; + } + break; + case 27: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + { + alt15=5; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 15, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt15) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1407:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1407:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1408:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1413:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1413:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1414:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1419:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1419:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1420:3: RULE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_2()); + match(input,RULE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1425:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1425:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1426:3: RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_3()); + match(input,RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 5 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1431:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1431:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1432:3: ruleVLSRole + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameVLSRoleParserRuleCall_0_1_0_4()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSRole(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameVLSRoleParserRuleCall_0_1_0_4()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1441:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1445:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) ) ) + int alt16=2; + int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( ((LA16_0>=RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID && LA16_0<=RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE)||(LA16_0>=RULE_DOLLAR_ID && LA16_0<=RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID)||(LA16_0>=27 && LA16_0<=41)) ) { + alt16=1; + } + else if ( (LA16_0==68) ) { + alt16=2; + } + else { + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 16, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + switch (alt16) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1446:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1446:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1447:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1448:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1448:4: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1452:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1452:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1453:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1454:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1454:4: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1462:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ); + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1466:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( ruleVLSRole ) ) + int alt17=5; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt17=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt17=2; + } + break; + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt17=3; + } + break; + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt17=4; + } + break; + case 27: + case 28: + case 29: + case 30: + case 31: + case 32: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 38: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + { + alt17=5; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 17, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt17) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1467:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1467:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1468:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1473:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1473:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1474:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1479:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1479:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1480:3: RULE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_2()); + match(input,RULE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1485:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1485:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1486:3: RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_3()); + match(input,RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 5 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1491:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1491:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1492:3: ruleVLSRole + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantVLSRoleParserRuleCall_0_1_0_4()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSRole(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantVLSRoleParserRuleCall_0_1_0_4()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1501:1: rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives : ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) | ( ruleVLSFunctionFof ) | ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) ); + public final void rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1505:1: ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) | ( ruleVLSFunctionFof ) | ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) ) + int alt18=3; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID: + { + alt18=1; + } + break; + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt18=2; + } + break; + case RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL: + case RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID: + case RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID: + case RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE: + { + alt18=3; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 18, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt18) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1506:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1506:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1507:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSVariableParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSVariableParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1512:2: ( ruleVLSFunctionFof ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1512:2: ( ruleVLSFunctionFof ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1513:3: ruleVLSFunctionFof + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSFunctionFofParserRuleCall_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFunctionFof(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSFunctionFofParserRuleCall_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1518:2: ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1518:2: ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1519:3: ruleVLSDefinedTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSDefinedTermParserRuleCall_2()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSDefinedTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofTermAccess().getVLSDefinedTermParserRuleCall_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofTerm__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1528:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 : ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) ); + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1532:1: ( ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) | ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) | ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) | ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) ) + int alt19=4; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID: + { + alt19=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE: + { + alt19=2; + } + break; + case RULE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt19=3; + } + break; + case RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID: + { + alt19=4; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 19, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt19) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1533:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1533:2: ( RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1534:3: RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0()); + match(input,RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorLOWER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1539:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1539:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1540:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1545:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1545:2: ( RULE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1546:3: RULE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_2()); + match(input,RULE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorDOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1551:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1551:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1552:3: RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_3()); + match(input,RULE_DOUBLE_DOLLAR_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorDOUBLE_DOLLAR_IDTerminalRuleCall_0_0_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1561:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives : ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) ) ); + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1565:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) ) | ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) ) ) + int alt20=4; + switch ( input.LA(1) ) { + case RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL: + { + alt20=1; + } + break; + case RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID: + { + alt20=2; + } + break; + case RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID: + { + alt20=3; + } + break; + case RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE: + { + alt20=4; + } + break; + default: + NoViableAltException nvae = + new NoViableAltException("", 20, 0, input); + + throw nvae; + } + + switch (alt20) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1566:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1566:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1567:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1568:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1568:4: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_0()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 2 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1572:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1572:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1573:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1574:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1574:4: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 3 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1578:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1578:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1579:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1580:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1580:4: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_2()); + + } + + + } + break; + case 4 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1584:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1584:2: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1585:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1586:3: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1586:4: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getGroup_3()); + + } + + + } + break; + + } + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Alternatives" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1594:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__0 : rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1598:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1599:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_6); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1606:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl : ( 'include(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1610:1: ( ( 'include(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1611:1: ( 'include(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1611:1: ( 'include(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1612:2: 'include(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getIncludeKeyword_0()); + match(input,42,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getIncludeKeyword_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1621:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__1 : rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1625:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1626:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1633:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1637:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1638:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1638:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1639:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getFileNameAssignment_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1640:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1640:3: rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getFileNameAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1648:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__2 : rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1652:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1653:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1659:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1663:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1664:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1664:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1665:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1666:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 )? + int alt21=2; + int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA21_0==43) ) { + alt21=1; + } + switch (alt21) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1666:3: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1675:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1679:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1680:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1687:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl : ( ',[' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1691:1: ( ( ',[' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1692:1: ( ',[' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1692:1: ( ',[' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1693:2: ',[' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getCommaLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2_0()); + match(input,43,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getCommaLeftSquareBracketKeyword_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1702:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1706:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1707:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1714:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1718:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1719:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1719:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1720:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesAssignment_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1721:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1721:3: rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesAssignment_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1729:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1733:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1734:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1741:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1745:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1746:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1746:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1747:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup_2_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1748:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 )* + loop22: + do { + int alt22=2; + int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA22_0==45) ) { + alt22=1; + } + + + switch (alt22) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1748:3: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop22; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getGroup_2_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1756:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1760:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1761:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1767:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl : ( ']' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1771:1: ( ( ']' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1772:1: ( ']' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1772:1: ( ']' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1773:2: ']' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2_3()); + match(input,44,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_2_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1783:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1787:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1788:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1795:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1799:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1800:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1800:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1801:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_2_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getCommaKeyword_2_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1810:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1 : rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1814:1: ( rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1815:2: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1821:1: rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1825:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1826:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1826:1: ( ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1827:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesAssignment_2_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1828:2: ( rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1828:3: rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesAssignment_2_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__Group_2_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1837:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1841:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1842:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_11); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1849:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl : ( 'fof' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1853:1: ( ( 'fof' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1854:1: ( 'fof' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1854:1: ( 'fof' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1855:2: 'fof' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofKeyword_0()); + match(input,46,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofKeyword_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1864:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1868:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1869:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1876:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1880:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1881:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1881:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1882:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1891:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1895:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1896:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1903:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1907:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1908:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1908:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1909:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameAssignment_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1910:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1910:3: rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1918:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1922:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1923:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_14); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1930:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1934:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1935:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1935:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1936:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_3()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1945:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1949:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1950:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1957:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1961:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1962:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1962:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1963:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofRoleAssignment_4()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1964:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1964:3: rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofRoleAssignment_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1972:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1976:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1977:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1984:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1988:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1989:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1989:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1990:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_5()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:1999:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2003:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2004:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2011:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2015:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2016:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2016:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2017:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofFormulaAssignment_6()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2018:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2018:3: rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofFormulaAssignment_6()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__6__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2026:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2030:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2031:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2038:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2042:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2043:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2043:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2044:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getGroup_7()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2045:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 )? + int alt23=2; + int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA23_0==45) ) { + alt23=1; + } + switch (alt23) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2045:3: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getGroup_7()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__7__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2053:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2057:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2058:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2065:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2069:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2070:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2070:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2071:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_8()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_8()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__8__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2080:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2084:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2085:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2091:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl : ( '.' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2095:1: ( ( '.' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2096:1: ( '.' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2096:1: ( '.' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2097:2: '.' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFullStopKeyword_9()); + match(input,49,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFullStopKeyword_9()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group__9__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2107:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2111:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2112:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2119:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2123:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2124:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2124:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2125:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_7_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getCommaKeyword_7_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2134:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1 : rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2138:1: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2139:2: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2145:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2149:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2150:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2150:1: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2151:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getAnnotationsAssignment_7_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2152:2: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2152:3: rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getAnnotationsAssignment_7_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__Group_7__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2161:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2165:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2166:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2173:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl : ( ( '[' )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2177:1: ( ( ( '[' )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2178:1: ( ( '[' )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2178:1: ( ( '[' )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2179:2: ( '[' )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2180:2: ( '[' )? + int alt24=2; + int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA24_0==50) ) { + alt24=1; + } + switch (alt24) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2180:3: '[' + { + match(input,50,FOLLOW_2); + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2188:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2192:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2193:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2200:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2204:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2205:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2205:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2206:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2207:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 )? + int alt25=2; + int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( ((LA25_0>=RULE_LOWER_WORD_ID && LA25_0<=RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE)||(LA25_0>=27 && LA25_0<=41)) ) { + alt25=1; + } + switch (alt25) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2207:3: rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameAssignment_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2215:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2219:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2220:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2227:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2231:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2232:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2232:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2233:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getGroup_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2234:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 )? + int alt26=2; + int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA26_0==47) ) { + alt26=1; + } + switch (alt26) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2234:3: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getGroup_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2242:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2246:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2247:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2253:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl : ( ( ']' )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2257:1: ( ( ( ']' )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2258:1: ( ( ']' )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2258:1: ( ( ']' )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2259:2: ( ']' )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2260:2: ( ']' )? + int alt27=2; + int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA27_0==44) ) { + alt27=1; + } + switch (alt27) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2260:3: ']' + { + match(input,44,FOLLOW_2); + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2269:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2273:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2274:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2281:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2285:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2286:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2286:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2287:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2296:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2300:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2301:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_19); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2308:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2312:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2313:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2313:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2314:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getFollowupAssignment_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2315:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2315:3: rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getFollowupAssignment_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2323:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2 : rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2327:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2328:2: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2334:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2338:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2339:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2339:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2340:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_2_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__Group_2__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2350:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0 : rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2354:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2355:2: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2362:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2366:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2367:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2367:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2368:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsAssignment_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2369:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2369:3: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2377:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1 : rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2381:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2382:2: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2388:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2392:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2393:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2393:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2394:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2395:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 )* + loop28: + do { + int alt28=2; + int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA28_0==45) ) { + alt28=1; + } + + + switch (alt28) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2395:3: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop28; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2404:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2408:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2409:2: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2416:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2420:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2421:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2421:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2422:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2431:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2435:1: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2436:2: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2442:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2446:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2447:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2447:1: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2448:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2449:2: ( rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2449:3: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2458:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2462:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2463:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); + rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2470:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2474:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2475:1: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2475:1: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2476:2: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2485:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2489:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2490:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2496:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2500:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2501:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2501:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2502:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAlternatives_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2503:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 )? + int alt29=2; + int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( ((LA29_0>=51 && LA29_0<=58)) ) { + alt29=1; + } + switch (alt29) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2503:3: rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAlternatives_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2512:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2516:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2517:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2524:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2528:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2529:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2529:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2530:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAlternatives_1_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2531:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2531:3: rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Alternatives_1_0_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAlternatives_1_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2539:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2543:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2544:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2550:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2554:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2555:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2555:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2556:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2557:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2557:3: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2566:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2570:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2571:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_21); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2578:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2582:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2583:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2583:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2584:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSEquivalentLeftAction_1_0_0_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2585:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2585:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSEquivalentLeftAction_1_0_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2593:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2597:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2598:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2604:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl : ( '<=>' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2608:1: ( ( '<=>' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2609:1: ( '<=>' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2609:1: ( '<=>' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2610:2: '<=>' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0_1()); + match(input,51,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2620:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2624:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2625:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_22); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2632:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2636:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2637:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2637:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2638:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSImpliesLeftAction_1_0_0_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2639:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2639:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSImpliesLeftAction_1_0_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2647:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2651:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2652:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2658:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl : ( '=>' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2662:1: ( ( '=>' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2663:1: ( '=>' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2663:1: ( '=>' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2664:2: '=>' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getEqualsSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1_1()); + match(input,52,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getEqualsSignGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2674:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2678:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2679:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_23); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2686:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2690:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2691:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2691:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2692:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSRevImpliesLeftAction_1_0_0_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2693:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2693:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSRevImpliesLeftAction_1_0_0_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2701:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2705:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2706:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2712:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl : ( '<=' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2716:1: ( ( '<=' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2717:1: ( '<=' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2717:1: ( '<=' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2718:2: '<=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2_1()); + match(input,53,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2728:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2732:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2733:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2740:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2744:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2745:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2745:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2746:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSXnorLeftAction_1_0_0_3_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2747:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2747:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSXnorLeftAction_1_0_0_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2755:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2759:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2760:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2766:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl : ( '<~>' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2770:1: ( ( '<~>' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2771:1: ( '<~>' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2771:1: ( '<~>' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2772:2: '<~>' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignTildeGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_3_1()); + match(input,54,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getLessThanSignTildeGreaterThanSignKeyword_1_0_0_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2782:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2786:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2787:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_25); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2794:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2798:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2799:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2799:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2800:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSNorLeftAction_1_0_0_4_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2801:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2801:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSNorLeftAction_1_0_0_4_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2809:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2813:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2814:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2820:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl : ( '~|' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2824:1: ( ( '~|' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2825:1: ( '~|' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2825:1: ( '~|' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2826:2: '~|' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getTildeVerticalLineKeyword_1_0_0_4_1()); + match(input,55,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getTildeVerticalLineKeyword_1_0_0_4_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_4__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2836:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2840:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2841:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_26); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2848:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2852:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2853:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2853:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2854:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSNandLeftAction_1_0_0_5_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2855:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2855:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSNandLeftAction_1_0_0_5_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2863:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2867:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2868:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2874:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl : ( '~&' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2878:1: ( ( '~&' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2879:1: ( '~&' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2879:1: ( '~&' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2880:2: '~&' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getTildeAmpersandKeyword_1_0_0_5_1()); + match(input,56,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getTildeAmpersandKeyword_1_0_0_5_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_0_0_5__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2890:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2894:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2895:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_27); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2902:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2906:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2907:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2907:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2908:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSAndLeftAction_1_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2909:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2909:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSAndLeftAction_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2917:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2921:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2922:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2929:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl : ( '&' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2933:1: ( ( '&' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2934:1: ( '&' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2934:1: ( '&' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2935:2: '&' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAmpersandKeyword_1_1_1()); + match(input,57,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getAmpersandKeyword_1_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2944:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2948:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2949:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2955:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2959:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2960:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2960:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2961:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2962:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2962:3: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2971:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2975:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2976:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_28); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2983:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2987:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2988:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2988:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2989:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSOrLeftAction_1_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2990:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2990:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVLSOrLeftAction_1_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:2998:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3002:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3003:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3010:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl : ( '|' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3014:1: ( ( '|' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3015:1: ( '|' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3015:1: ( '|' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3016:2: '|' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVerticalLineKeyword_1_2_1()); + match(input,58,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getVerticalLineKeyword_1_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3025:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2 : rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3029:1: ( rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3030:2: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3036:1: rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3040:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3041:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3041:1: ( ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3042:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_2_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3043:2: ( rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3043:3: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightAssignment_1_2_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__Group_1_2__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3052:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0 : rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3056:1: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3057:2: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3064:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3068:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3069:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3069:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3070:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_4_0()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_4_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3079:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1 : rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3083:1: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3084:2: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_19); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3091:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl : ( ruleVLSTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3095:1: ( ( ruleVLSTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3096:1: ( ruleVLSTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3096:1: ( ruleVLSTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3097:2: ruleVLSTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSTermParserRuleCall_4_1()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getVLSTermParserRuleCall_4_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3106:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2 : rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3110:1: ( rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3111:2: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3117:1: rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3121:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3122:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3122:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3123:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4_2()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnitaryFormulaAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_4_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnitaryFormula__Group_4__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3133:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3137:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3138:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_29); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3145:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3149:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3150:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3150:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3151:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVLSUniversalQuantifierAction_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3152:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3152:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVLSUniversalQuantifierAction_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3160:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3164:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3165:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3172:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3176:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3177:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3177:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3178:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3179:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3179:3: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3187:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3191:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3192:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3198:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3202:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3203:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3203:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3204:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3205:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3205:3: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3214:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3218:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3219:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_30); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3226:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '!' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3230:1: ( ( '!' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3231:1: ( '!' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3231:1: ( '!' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3232:2: '!' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getExclamationMarkKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,59,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getExclamationMarkKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3241:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3245:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3246:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3253:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl : ( '[' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3257:1: ( ( '[' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3258:1: ( '[' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3258:1: ( '[' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3259:2: '[' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_1_1()); + match(input,50,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3268:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3272:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3273:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3280:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3284:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3285:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3285:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3286:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3287:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3287:3: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3295:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3299:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3300:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3307:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3311:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3312:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3312:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3313:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3314:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* + loop30: + do { + int alt30=2; + int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA30_0==45) ) { + alt30=1; + } + + + switch (alt30) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3314:3: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop30; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3322:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3326:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3327:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_32); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3334:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl : ( ']' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3338:1: ( ( ']' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3339:1: ( ']' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3339:1: ( ']' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3340:2: ']' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_1_4()); + match(input,44,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_1_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3349:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3353:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3354:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3360:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl : ( ':' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3364:1: ( ( ':' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3365:1: ( ':' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3365:1: ( ':' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3366:2: ':' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getColonKeyword_1_5()); + match(input,60,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getColonKeyword_1_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3376:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3380:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3381:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3388:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3392:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3393:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3393:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3394:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_3_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3403:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 : rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3407:1: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3408:2: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3414:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3418:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3419:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3419:1: ( ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3420:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_3_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3421:2: ( rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3421:3: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3430:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3434:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3435:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_33); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3442:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3446:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3447:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3447:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3448:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVLSExistentialQuantifierAction_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3449:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3449:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVLSExistentialQuantifierAction_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3457:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3461:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3462:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3469:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3473:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3474:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3474:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3475:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3476:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3476:3: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3484:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3488:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3489:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3495:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3499:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3500:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3500:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3501:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3502:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3502:3: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3511:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3515:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3516:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_30); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3523:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '?' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3527:1: ( ( '?' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3528:1: ( '?' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3528:1: ( '?' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3529:2: '?' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,61,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getQuestionMarkKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3538:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3542:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3543:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3550:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl : ( '[' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3554:1: ( ( '[' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3555:1: ( '[' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3555:1: ( '[' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3556:2: '[' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_1_1()); + match(input,50,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getLeftSquareBracketKeyword_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3565:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3569:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3570:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3577:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3581:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3582:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3582:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3583:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3584:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3584:3: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3592:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3596:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3597:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_9); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3604:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3608:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3609:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3609:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3610:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3611:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 )* + loop31: + do { + int alt31=2; + int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA31_0==45) ) { + alt31=1; + } + + + switch (alt31) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3611:3: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop31; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getGroup_1_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3619:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3623:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3624:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_32); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3631:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl : ( ']' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3635:1: ( ( ']' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3636:1: ( ']' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3636:1: ( ']' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3637:2: ']' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_1_4()); + match(input,44,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getRightSquareBracketKeyword_1_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3646:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3650:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3651:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3657:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl : ( ':' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3661:1: ( ( ':' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3662:1: ( ':' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3662:1: ( ':' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3663:2: ':' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getColonKeyword_1_5()); + match(input,60,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getColonKeyword_1_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3673:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3677:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3678:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3685:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3689:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3690:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3690:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3691:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_3_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3700:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1 : rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3704:1: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3705:2: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3711:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3715:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3716:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3716:1: ( ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3717:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_3_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3718:2: ( rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3718:3: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesAssignment_1_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__Group_1_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3727:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0 : rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3731:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3732:2: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_34); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3739:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3743:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3744:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3744:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3745:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getVLSUnaryNegationAction_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3746:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3746:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getVLSUnaryNegationAction_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3754:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1 : rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3758:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3759:2: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3766:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl : ( '~' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3770:1: ( ( '~' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3771:1: ( '~' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3771:1: ( '~' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3772:2: '~' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getTildeKeyword_1()); + match(input,62,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getTildeKeyword_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3781:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2 : rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3785:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3786:2: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3792:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3796:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3797:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3797:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3798:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3799:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3799:3: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getOperandAssignment_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__Group__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3808:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3812:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3813:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_35); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3820:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl : ( ruleVLSAtomic ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3824:1: ( ( ruleVLSAtomic ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3825:1: ( ruleVLSAtomic ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3825:1: ( ruleVLSAtomic ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3826:2: ruleVLSAtomic + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSAtomicParserRuleCall_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAtomic(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSAtomicParserRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3835:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3839:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3840:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3846:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3850:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3851:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3851:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3852:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3853:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 )? + int alt32=2; + int LA32_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( ((LA32_0>=63 && LA32_0<=65)) ) { + alt32=1; + } + switch (alt32) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3853:3: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3862:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3866:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3867:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3874:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3878:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3879:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3879:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3880:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getAlternatives_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3881:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3881:3: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Alternatives_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getAlternatives_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3889:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3893:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3894:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3900:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3904:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3905:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3905:1: ( ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3906:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getRightAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3907:2: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3907:3: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getRightAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3916:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3920:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3921:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_37); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3928:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3932:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3933:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3933:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3934:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSInequalityLeftAction_1_0_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3935:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3935:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSInequalityLeftAction_1_0_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3943:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3947:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3948:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3954:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl : ( '!=' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3958:1: ( ( '!=' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3959:1: ( '!=' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3959:1: ( '!=' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3960:2: '!=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getExclamationMarkEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_1()); + match(input,63,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getExclamationMarkEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3970:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3974:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3975:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_38); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3982:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3986:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3987:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3987:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3988:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSEqualityLeftAction_1_0_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3989:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3989:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSEqualityLeftAction_1_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:3997:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4001:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4002:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4008:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl : ( '=' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4012:1: ( ( '=' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4013:1: ( '=' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4013:1: ( '=' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4014:2: '=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_1()); + match(input,64,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4024:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4028:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4029:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_35); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4036:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4040:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4041:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4041:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4042:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSAssignmentLeftAction_1_0_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4043:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4043:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getVLSAssignmentLeftAction_1_0_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4051:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1 : rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4055:1: ( rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4056:2: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4062:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl : ( ':=' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4066:1: ( ( ':=' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4067:1: ( ':=' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4067:1: ( ':=' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4068:2: ':=' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getColonEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_2_1()); + match(input,65,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getColonEqualsSignKeyword_1_0_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__Group_1_0_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4078:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4082:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4083:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_39); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4090:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4094:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4095:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4095:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4096:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSConstantAction_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4097:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4097:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSConstantAction_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4105:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4109:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4110:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4116:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4120:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4121:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4121:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4122:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameAssignment_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4123:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4123:3: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameAssignment_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4132:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4136:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4137:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_40); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4144:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4148:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4149:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4149:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4150:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSTrueAction_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4151:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4151:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSTrueAction_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4159:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4163:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4164:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4170:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl : ( '$true' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4174:1: ( ( '$true' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4175:1: ( '$true' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4175:1: ( '$true' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4176:2: '$true' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getTrueKeyword_1_1()); + match(input,66,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getTrueKeyword_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4186:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4190:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4191:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_41); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4198:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4202:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4203:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4203:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4204:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSFalseAction_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4205:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4205:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getVLSFalseAction_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4213:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1 : rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4217:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4218:2: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4224:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl : ( '$false' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4228:1: ( ( '$false' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4229:1: ( '$false' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4229:1: ( '$false' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4230:2: '$false' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getFalseKeyword_2_1()); + match(input,67,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getFalseKeyword_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__Group_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4240:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4244:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4245:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_39); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4252:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4256:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4257:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4257:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4258:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getVLSFunctionAction_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4259:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4259:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getVLSFunctionAction_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4267:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4271:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4272:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_11); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4279:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4283:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4284:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4284:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4285:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantAssignment_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4286:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4286:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantAssignment_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4294:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4298:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4299:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4305:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4309:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4310:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4310:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4311:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4312:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4312:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4321:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4325:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4326:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4333:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4337:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4338:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4338:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4339:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_2_0()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_0_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4348:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4352:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4353:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4360:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4364:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4365:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4365:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4366:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_0_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4367:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4367:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_0_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4375:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4379:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4380:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4387:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4391:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4392:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4392:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4393:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0_2_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4394:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 )* + loop33: + do { + int alt33=2; + int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA33_0==45) ) { + alt33=1; + } + + + switch (alt33) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4394:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop33; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getGroup_0_2_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4402:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4406:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4407:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4413:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4417:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4418:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4418:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4419:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_2_3()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_0_2_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4429:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4433:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4434:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4441:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4445:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4446:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4446:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4447:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_2_2_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_0_2_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4456:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4460:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4461:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4467:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4471:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4472:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4472:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4473:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_0_2_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4474:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4474:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_0_2_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_0_2_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4483:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4487:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4488:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_42); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4495:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4499:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4500:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4500:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4501:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getVLSLessAction_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4502:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4502:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getVLSLessAction_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4510:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4514:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4515:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_11); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4522:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4526:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4527:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4527:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4528:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4529:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4529:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4537:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4541:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4542:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4549:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4553:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4554:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4554:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4555:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4564:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4568:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4569:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_13); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4576:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4580:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4581:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4581:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4582:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_3()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4583:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4583:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4591:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4595:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4596:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4603:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4607:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4608:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4608:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4609:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_4()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_4()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__4__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4618:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6 ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4622:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4623:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_19); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4630:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4634:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4635:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4635:1: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4636:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_5()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4637:2: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4637:3: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_5()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__5__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4645:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6 : rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4649:1: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4650:2: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4656:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4660:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4661:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4661:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4662:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_6()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_6()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__Group_1__6__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4672:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4676:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4677:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_11); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4684:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4688:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4689:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4689:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4690:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorAssignment_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4691:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4691:3: rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorAssignment_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4699:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4703:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4704:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4710:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4714:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4715:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4715:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4716:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4717:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 )? + int alt34=2; + int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA34_0==47) ) { + alt34=1; + } + switch (alt34) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4717:3: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4726:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4730:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4731:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4738:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl : ( '(' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4742:1: ( ( '(' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4743:1: ( '(' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4743:1: ( '(' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4744:2: '(' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); + match(input,47,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4753:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2 ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4757:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4758:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4765:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4769:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4770:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4770:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4771:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4772:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4772:3: rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4780:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3 ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4784:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4785:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_16); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4792:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4796:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4797:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4797:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4798:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4799:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 )* + loop35: + do { + int alt35=2; + int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); + + if ( (LA35_0==45) ) { + alt35=1; + } + + + switch (alt35) { + case 1 : + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4799:3: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_10); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + break; + + default : + break loop35; + } + } while (true); + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getGroup_1_2()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__2__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4807:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4811:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4812:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4818:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl : ( ')' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4822:1: ( ( ')' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4823:1: ( ')' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4823:1: ( ')' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4824:2: ')' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_3()); + match(input,48,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_3()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1__3__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4834:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4838:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4839:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4846:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl : ( ',' ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4850:1: ( ( ',' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4851:1: ( ',' ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4851:1: ( ',' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4852:2: ',' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_2_0()); + match(input,45,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4861:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1 : rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4865:1: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4866:2: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4872:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4876:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4877:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4877:1: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4878:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4879:2: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4879:3: rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsAssignment_1_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__Group_1_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4888:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4892:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4893:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_43); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4900:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4904:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4905:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4905:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4906:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSIntAction_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4907:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4907:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSIntAction_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4915:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4919:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4920:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4926:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4930:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4931:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4931:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4932:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_0_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4933:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4933:3: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_0_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_0__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4942:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4946:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4947:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_44); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4954:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4958:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4959:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4959:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4960:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSRealAction_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4961:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4961:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSRealAction_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4969:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4973:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4974:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4980:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4984:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4985:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4985:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4986:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_1_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4987:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4987:3: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_1_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_1__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:4996:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5000:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5001:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_45); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5008:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5012:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5013:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5013:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5014:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSRationalAction_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5015:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5015:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSRationalAction_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5023:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5027:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5028:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5034:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5038:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5039:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5039:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5040:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_2_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5041:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5041:3: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_2_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_2__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5050:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1 ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5054:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5055:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_36); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5062:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl : ( () ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5066:1: ( ( () ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5067:1: ( () ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5067:1: ( () ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5068:2: () + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSDoubleQuoteAction_3_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5069:2: () + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5069:3: + { + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getVLSDoubleQuoteAction_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__0__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5077:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1 : rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5081:1: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5082:2: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5088:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl : ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5092:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5093:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5093:1: ( ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5094:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_3_1()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5095:2: ( rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5095:3: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueAssignment_3_1()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__Group_3__1__Impl" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5104:1: rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0 : ( ruleVLSInclude ) ; + public final void rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5108:1: ( ( ruleVLSInclude ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5109:2: ( ruleVLSInclude ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5109:2: ( ruleVLSInclude ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5110:3: ruleVLSInclude + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getIncludesVLSIncludeParserRuleCall_0_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSInclude(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getIncludesVLSIncludeParserRuleCall_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VampireModel__IncludesAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5119:1: rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1 : ( ruleVLSComment ) ; + public final void rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5123:1: ( ( ruleVLSComment ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5124:2: ( ruleVLSComment ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5124:2: ( ruleVLSComment ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5125:3: ruleVLSComment + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getCommentsVLSCommentParserRuleCall_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSComment(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getCommentsVLSCommentParserRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VampireModel__CommentsAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5134:1: rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2 : ( ruleVLSFofFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5138:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5139:2: ( ruleVLSFofFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5139:2: ( ruleVLSFofFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5140:3: ruleVLSFofFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getFormulasVLSFofFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVampireModelAccess().getFormulasVLSFofFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VampireModel__FormulasAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5149:1: rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1 : ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5153:1: ( ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5154:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5154:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5155:3: RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getFileNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getFileNameSINGLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__FileNameAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5164:1: rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1 : ( ruleVLSName ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5168:1: ( ( ruleVLSName ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5169:2: ( ruleVLSName ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5169:2: ( ruleVLSName ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5170:3: ruleVLSName + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesVLSNameParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesVLSNameParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5179:1: rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1 : ( ruleVLSName ) ; + public final void rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5183:1: ( ( ruleVLSName ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5184:2: ( ruleVLSName ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5184:2: ( ruleVLSName ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5185:3: ruleVLSName + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesVLSNameParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSName(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSIncludeAccess().getNamesVLSNameParserRuleCall_2_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSInclude__NamesAssignment_2_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSName__NameAssignment" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5194:1: rule__VLSName__NameAssignment : ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSName__NameAssignment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5198:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5199:2: ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5199:2: ( ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5200:3: ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameAlternatives_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5201:3: ( rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5201:4: rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSName__NameAlternatives_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSNameAccess().getNameAlternatives_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSName__NameAssignment" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5209:1: rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment : ( RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT ) ; + public final void rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5213:1: ( ( RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5214:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5214:2: ( RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5215:3: RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentAccess().getCommentSINGLE_COMMENTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + match(input,RULE_SINGLE_COMMENT,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSCommentAccess().getCommentSINGLE_COMMENTTerminalRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSComment__CommentAssignment" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5224:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2 : ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5228:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5229:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5229:2: ( ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5230:3: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameAlternatives_2_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5231:3: ( rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5231:4: rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAlternatives_2_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getNameAlternatives_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__NameAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5239:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4 : ( ruleVLSRole ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5243:1: ( ( ruleVLSRole ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5244:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5244:2: ( ruleVLSRole ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5245:3: ruleVLSRole + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofRoleVLSRoleParserRuleCall_4_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSRole(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofRoleVLSRoleParserRuleCall_4_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__FofRoleAssignment_4" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5254:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6 : ( ruleVLSTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5258:1: ( ( ruleVLSTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5259:2: ( ruleVLSTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5259:2: ( ruleVLSTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5260:3: ruleVLSTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofFormulaVLSTermParserRuleCall_6_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getFofFormulaVLSTermParserRuleCall_6_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__FofFormulaAssignment_6" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5269:1: rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1 : ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5273:1: ( ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5274:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5274:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5275:3: ruleVLSAnnotation + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getAnnotationsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_7_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAnnotation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFofFormulaAccess().getAnnotationsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_7_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFofFormula__AnnotationsAssignment_7_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5284:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1 : ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5288:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5289:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5289:2: ( ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5290:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameAlternatives_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5291:3: ( rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5291:4: rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAlternatives_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getNameAlternatives_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__NameAssignment_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5299:1: rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1 : ( ruleVLSAnnotationTerms ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5303:1: ( ( ruleVLSAnnotationTerms ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5304:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotationTerms ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5304:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotationTerms ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5305:3: ruleVLSAnnotationTerms + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getFollowupVLSAnnotationTermsParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAnnotationTerms(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationAccess().getFollowupVLSAnnotationTermsParserRuleCall_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotation__FollowupAssignment_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5314:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0 : ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5318:1: ( ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5319:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5319:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5320:3: ruleVLSAnnotation + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_0_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAnnotation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5329:1: rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1 : ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5333:1: ( ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5334:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5334:2: ( ruleVLSAnnotation ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5335:3: ruleVLSAnnotation + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAnnotation(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAnnotationTermsAccess().getTermsVLSAnnotationParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAnnotationTerms__TermsAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5344:1: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5348:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5349:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5349:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5350:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_0_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5359:1: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5363:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5364:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5364:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5365:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_1_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_1_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5374:1: rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5378:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5379:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5379:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5380:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_2_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSBinaryAccess().getRightVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_1_2_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSBinary__RightAssignment_1_2_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5389:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 : ( ruleVLSVariable ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5393:1: ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5394:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5394:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5395:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5404:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 : ( ruleVLSVariable ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5408:1: ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5409:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5409:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5410:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5419:1: rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5423:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5424:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5424:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5425:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUniversalQuantifierAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUniversalQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5434:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2 : ( ruleVLSVariable ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5438:1: ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5439:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5439:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5440:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5449:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1 : ( ruleVLSVariable ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5453:1: ( ( ruleVLSVariable ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5454:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5454:2: ( ruleVLSVariable ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5455:3: ruleVLSVariable + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSVariable(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getVariablesVLSVariableParserRuleCall_1_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__VariablesAssignment_1_3_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5464:1: rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5468:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5469:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5469:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5470:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSExistentialQuantifierAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSExistentialQuantifier__OperandAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5479:1: rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2 : ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5483:1: ( ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5484:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5484:2: ( ruleVLSUnitaryFormula ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5485:3: ruleVLSUnitaryFormula + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSUnitaryFormula(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryNegationAccess().getOperandVLSUnitaryFormulaParserRuleCall_2_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryNegation__OperandAssignment_2" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5494:1: rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1 : ( ruleVLSAtomic ) ; + public final void rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5498:1: ( ( ruleVLSAtomic ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5499:2: ( ruleVLSAtomic ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5499:2: ( ruleVLSAtomic ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5500:3: ruleVLSAtomic + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getRightVLSAtomicParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSAtomic(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSUnaryInfixAccess().getRightVLSAtomicParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSUnaryInfix__RightAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5509:1: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1 : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5513:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5514:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5514:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5515:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameAlternatives_0_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5516:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5516:4: rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAlternatives_0_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicConstantAccess().getNameAlternatives_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicConstant__NameAssignment_0_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5524:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1 : ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5528:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5529:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5529:2: ( ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5530:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantAlternatives_0_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5531:3: ( rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5531:4: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAlternatives_0_1_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getConstantAlternatives_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__ConstantAssignment_0_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5539:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5543:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5544:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5544:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5545:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_0_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_0_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5554:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5558:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5559:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5559:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5560:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_0_2_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_0_2_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_0_2_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5569:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1 : ( ( '$less' ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5573:1: ( ( ( '$less' ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5574:2: ( ( '$less' ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5574:2: ( ( '$less' ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5575:3: ( '$less' ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameLessKeyword_1_1_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5576:3: ( '$less' ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5577:4: '$less' + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameLessKeyword_1_1_0()); + match(input,68,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameLessKeyword_1_1_0()); + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getNameLessKeyword_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__NameAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5588:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5592:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5593:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5593:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5594:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_3_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_3_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_3" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5603:1: rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5607:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5608:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5608:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5609:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_5_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSAtomicFunctionAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_5_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSAtomicFunction__TermsAssignment_1_5" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5618:1: rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment : ( RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID ) ; + public final void rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5622:1: ( ( RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5623:2: ( RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5623:2: ( RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5624:3: RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableAccess().getNameUPPER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0()); + match(input,RULE_UPPER_WORD_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSVariableAccess().getNameUPPER_WORD_IDTerminalRuleCall_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSVariable__NameAssignment" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5633:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0 : ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5637:1: ( ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5638:2: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5638:2: ( ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5639:3: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorAlternatives_0_0()); + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5640:3: ( rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5640:4: rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0 + { + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAlternatives_0_0(); + + state._fsp--; + + + } + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getFunctorAlternatives_0_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__FunctorAssignment_0" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5648:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5652:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5653:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5653:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5654:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5663:1: rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1 : ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ; + public final void rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5667:1: ( ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5668:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5668:2: ( ruleVLSFofTerm ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5669:3: ruleVLSFofTerm + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_2_1_0()); + pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); + ruleVLSFofTerm(); + + state._fsp--; + + after(grammarAccess.getVLSFunctionFofAccess().getTermsVLSFofTermParserRuleCall_1_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSFunctionFof__TermsAssignment_1_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5678:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1 : ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5682:1: ( ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5683:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5683:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5684:3: RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_SIGNED_LITERAL,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_LITERALTerminalRuleCall_0_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_0_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5693:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1 : ( RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5697:1: ( ( RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5698:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5698:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5699:3: RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_REAL_IDTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_SIGNED_REAL_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_REAL_IDTerminalRuleCall_1_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_1_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5708:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1 : ( RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5712:1: ( ( RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5713:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5713:2: ( RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5714:3: RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_RAT_IDTerminalRuleCall_2_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_SIGNED_RAT_ID,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueSIGNED_RAT_IDTerminalRuleCall_2_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_2_1" + + + // $ANTLR start "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1" + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5723:1: rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1 : ( RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE ) ; + public final void rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1() throws RecognitionException { + + int stackSize = keepStackSize(); + + try { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5727:1: ( ( RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE ) ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5728:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE ) + { + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5728:2: ( RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE ) + // InternalVampireLanguage.g:5729:3: RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE + { + before(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueDOUBLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_3_1_0()); + match(input,RULE_DOUBLE_QUOTE,FOLLOW_2); + after(grammarAccess.getVLSDefinedTermAccess().getValueDOUBLE_QUOTETerminalRuleCall_3_1_0()); + + } + + + } + + } + catch (RecognitionException re) { + reportError(re); + recover(input,re); + } + finally { + + restoreStackSize(stackSize); + + } + return ; + } + // $ANTLR end "rule__VLSDefinedTerm__ValueAssignment_3_1" + + // Delegated rules + + + protected DFA13 dfa13 = new DFA13(this); + static final String dfa_1s = "\30\uffff"; + static final String dfa_2s = "\1\uffff\23\24\4\uffff"; + static final String dfa_3s = "\1\4\23\55\4\uffff"; + static final String dfa_4s = "\1\104\23\101\4\uffff"; + static final String dfa_5s = "\24\uffff\1\1\1\2\1\3\1\4"; + static final String dfa_6s = "\30\uffff}>"; + static final String[] dfa_7s = { + "\1\1\1\2\1\uffff\1\27\1\3\1\4\1\uffff\1\26\3\27\14\uffff\1\5\1\6\1\7\1\10\1\11\1\12\1\13\1\14\1\15\1\16\1\17\1\20\1\21\1\22\1\23\30\uffff\2\24\1\25", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "\1\24\1\uffff\1\25\1\24\2\uffff\10\24\4\uffff\3\24", + "", + "", + "", + "" + }; + + static final short[] dfa_1 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_1s); + static final short[] dfa_2 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_2s); + static final char[] dfa_3 = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(dfa_3s); + static final char[] dfa_4 = DFA.unpackEncodedStringToUnsignedChars(dfa_4s); + static final short[] dfa_5 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_5s); + static final short[] dfa_6 = DFA.unpackEncodedString(dfa_6s); + static final short[][] dfa_7 = unpackEncodedStringArray(dfa_7s); + + class DFA13 extends DFA { + + public DFA13(BaseRecognizer recognizer) { + this.recognizer = recognizer; + this.decisionNumber = 13; + this.eot = dfa_1; + this.eof = dfa_2; + this.min = dfa_3; + this.max = dfa_4; + this.accept = dfa_5; + this.special = dfa_6; + this.transition = dfa_7; + } + public String getDescription() { + return "1342:1: rule__VLSAtomic__Alternatives : ( ( ruleVLSAtomicConstant ) | ( ruleVLSAtomicFunction ) | ( ruleVLSVariable ) | ( ruleVLSDefinedTerm ) );"; + } + } + + + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_1 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_2 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_3 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000440000000402L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_4 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_5 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000000000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_6 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_7 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000080000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_8 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000F0L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_9 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000300000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_10 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000002L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_11 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000800000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000000000B0L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000200000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000003FFF8000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x680083FFF8007BB0L,0x000000000000001CL}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001200000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0002000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000493FFF8000030L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0001000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x07F8000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0008000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0010000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0020000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0040000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0080000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x01F8000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0200000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0400000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0800000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0004000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000800L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_32 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x1000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_33 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x2000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_34 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x4000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_35 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000000000L,0x0000000000000003L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_36 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000003FFF8007BB0L,0x000000000000001CL}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_37 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x8000000000000000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_38 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000001L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_39 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000003FFF8000330L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_40 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L,0x0000000000000004L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_41 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000003FFF8000330L,0x000000000000000CL}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_42 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000003FFF8000330L,0x0000000000000010L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_43 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000080L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_44 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001000L}); + public static final BitSet FOLLOW_45 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000002000L}); + +} \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2