From 419e76265ecbdf65e960e0624be006d31ed1e191 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kristóf Marussy Date: Fri, 8 May 2020 18:28:19 +0200 Subject: Update solver language grammar First version, still needs TokenSource and Linker to work. --- .../viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext | 368 +++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-) (limited to 'Application/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language/src/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext') diff --git a/Application/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language/src/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext b/Application/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language/src/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext index 8a510a19..5abeb891 100644 --- a/Application/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language/src/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext +++ b/Application/org.eclipse.viatra.solver.language/src/org/eclipse/viatra/solver/language/SolverLanguage.xtext @@ -3,150 +3,224 @@ import "" as ecore generate solverLanguage "" Problem: - statements+=Statement*; -Statement: Interpretation | Predicate; - -@Override terminal STRING returns ecore::EString: '"' ( '\\' . /* 'b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\' */ | !('\\'|'"') )* '"'; -REALLiteral returns ecore::EBigDecimal: '-'? INT '.' INT; -INTLiteral returns ecore::EInt: '-'? INT; -BooleanValue: {BooleanTrue} 'true' | 'false' {BooleanFalse}; -TruthValue: {True} 'true' | {False} 'false' | {Unknown} 'unknown' | {Error} 'error' ; - - -/////////////////// -// Core grammar -/////////////////// -Interpretation: BasicInterpretation | DefaultInterpretation | CDInterpretation; - -BasicInterpretation: symbol=Symbol ('(' (objects+=ComplexObject (',' objects+=ComplexObject)*)? ')')? ':' value = TruthValue; - -Symbol: ModelSymbol | PartialitySymbol | DataSymbol; - -ModelSymbol: name = ID; - -PartialitySymbol: ExistSymbol | EqualsSymbol; -ExistSymbol:'exists'{ExistSymbol}; -EqualsSymbol:'equals' {EqualsSymbol}; - -DataSymbol: BooleanSymbol | IntegerSymbol | RealSymbol | StringSymbol; -BooleanSymbol:'bool' {BooleanSymbol}; -IntegerSymbol:'int' {IntegerSymbol}; -RealSymbol: 'real' {RealSymbol}; -StringSymbol:'string' {StringSymbol}; - -ComplexObject: Object | AllInstances | AllObjects; - -Object: NamedObject | UnnamedObject | DataObject; -NamedObject: "'" name = ID "'"; -UnnamedObject: name = ID; -DataObject: BooleanObject | IntObject | RealObject | StringObject; -BooleanObject: value = BooleanValue; -IntObject: value = INTLiteral; -RealObject: value = REALLiteral; -StringObject: value = STRING; - -/////////////////// -// Predicte grammar -/////////////////// - -Predicate: - (isError?='error')? symbol = ModelSymbol ('(' (parameters += Parameter (',' parameters += Parameter)*)? ')')? ':-' ('false' | (bodies += PatternBody ('|' bodies += PatternBody)*)) '.' -; - -Parameter: variable = Variable (':' type = Symbol)?; -PatternBody: {PatternBody} ('true' | constraints += Constraint*) ; -Polarity: {Positive} '+' | {Negative} '-'; -Constraint: (polarity = Polarity)? symbol = ModelSymbol - (('(' params += Literal? (',' params += Literal)* ')')?) - | - (closureType=ClosureType '(' params += Literal? (',' params += Literal)* ')'); -ClosureType: {ReflexiveClosure} '*' | {IrreflexiveClosure} '+'; -Literal: Variable | DataObject | NamedObject; -Variable: name = ID; - -/////////////////// -// Complex Interpretation grammar -/////////////////// - -AllInstances: ':' symbol = Symbol; -AllObjects: {AllObjects} '*'; - -/////////////////// -// Defaul Interpretation grammar -/////////////////// -DefaultInterpretation: 'default' interpretation = BasicInterpretation; - -/////////////////// -// Advanced Class-Diagram interpretations -/////////////////// -CDInterpretation: ClassInterpretation | EnumInterpretation| GlobalRelationInterpretation; -ClassInterpretation: - (abstract?='abstract')? 'class' symbol = ModelSymbol ('extends' supertypes += ModelSymbol+)?'{' - fielt += FieldRelationInterpretation* - '}' -; -EnumInterpretation: 'enum' Symbol = ModelSymbol '{' objects+=NamedObject+ '}'; -FieldRelationInterpretation: (containment ?= 'containment')? symbol = ModelSymbol ':' multiplicity = MultiplicityDefinition? target = Symbol; -GlobalRelationInterpretation: (containment ?= 'containment')? 'relation' symbol = ModelSymbol ':' sourceMultiplicity = MultiplicityDefinition? source = Symbol targetMultiplicity = MultiplicityDefinition? target = Symbol; -MultiplicityDefinition: lower = INT '..' (upper = INT | unlimitedUpper?='*'); - -////SymbolIntroduction : Type | GlobalRelation | Predicate; -////Symbol: Type | Relation | Predicate | Variable | Element; -// -////////////////////// -//// Types -////////////////////// -// -//Type: TypeDeclaration | /*TypeDefinition |*/ TypeEnumeration; -// -//TypeDeclaration: -// abstract?= 'abstract' 'class' name = ID ('extends' supertypes += [Type] (',' supertypes += [Type])) '{' -// fieldDeclarations += FieldRelationDeclaration* -// '}' -//; -//TypeEnumeration: -// 'enum' name = ID 'extends' supertypes += [Type] (',' supertypes += [Type]) '{' -// (elements += Element)* -// '}' -//; -//Element: -// name = ID -//; -// -////////////////////// -//// Relations -////////////////////// -// -//Relation: FieldRelationDeclaration | GlobalRelationDeclaration | RelationEnumeration; -//GlobalRelation returns Relation: GlobalRelationDeclaration | /*RelationDefinition |*/ RelationEnumeration; -// -//FieldRelationDeclaration: -// containment?='containment' target = [Type] name = ID -//; -// -//GlobalRelationDeclaration: -// containment?='containment' 'relation' name = ID '(' source = [Type] ',' target = [Type] ')' -//; -// -//RelationEnumeration: -// 'relation' name = ID '{' links += Link* '}' -//; -// -//Link: '(' source = Element ',' target = Element ')'; -// -// -// -// -// -// -//Model: -// 'model' '{' -// atoms += Atom (',' atoms += Atom ) -// '}' -//; -//Atom: referredSymbol = [Symbol] '(' (params += Element (',' params += Element)*)? ')'; -// -//ScopeDeclaration: -// 'scope' -//; -// + (statements+=Statement)*; + +Statement: + ( + AssertionOrDefinition | PredicateDefinition | UnnamedErrorPrediateDefinition | DefaultDefinition | ExternPredicateDefinition | + MetricDefinition | ExternMetricDefinition | ClassDefinition | ScopeDefinition | ObjectiveDefinition + ) DOT; + +AssertionOrDefinition returns Statement: + Expression ( + {Assertion.body=current} (":" range=Expression)? | + {PredicateDefinition.head=current} ":-" body=Expression | + {MetricDefinition.head=current} "=" body=Expression + ); + +PredicateDefinition: + (functional?="functional" error?="error"? | error?="error" functional?="functional"?) head=Call ":-" body=Expression; + +UnnamedErrorPrediateDefinition: + "error" argumentList=ArgumentList ":-" body=Expression; + +DefaultDefinition: + "default" head=Call ":" range=Expression; + +ExternPredicateDefinition: + "extern" head=Call "."; + +enum MetricType: + INT="int" | REAL="real"; + +MetricDefinition: + type=MetricType head=Expression "=" body=Expression; + +ExternMetricDefinition: + "extern" type=MetricType head=Call; + +Expression: + IfElse | DisjunctiveExpression; + +IfElse: + "if" condition=Expression "then" then=Expression "else" else=Expression; + +DisjunctiveExpression returns Expression: + ConjunctiveExpression ( + {Disjunction.children+=current} (";" children+=ConjunctiveExpression)+ | + {Case.condition=current} "->" body=ConjunctiveExpression {Switch.cases+=current} (";" cases+=Case)* + )?; + +Case: + condition=ConjunctiveExpression "->" body=ConjunctiveExpression; + +ConjunctiveExpression returns Expression: + ComparisonExpression ({Conjunction.children+=current} ("," children+=ComparisonExpression)+)?; + +enum BinaryOperator: + EQ | NOT_EQ | LESS | LESS_EQ | GREATER | GREATER_EQ | IN | ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | POW; + +enum ComparisonOperator returns BinaryOperator: + EQ="==" | NOT_EQ="!=" | LESS="<" | LESS_EQ="<=" | GREATER=">" | GREATER_EQ=">=" | IN="in"; + +ComparisonExpression returns Expression: + AdditiveExpression ({Comparison.left=current} op=ComparisonOperator right=AdditiveExpression)?; + +enum AdditiveBinaryOperator returns BinaryOperator: + ADD="+" | SUB="-"; + +AdditiveExpression returns Expression: + MultiplicativeExpression ({BinaryExpression.left=current} op=AdditiveBinaryOperator right=MultiplicativeExpression)*; + +enum MultiplicativeBinaryOperator returns BinaryOperator: + MUL="*" | DIV="/"; + +MultiplicativeExpression returns Expression: + ExponentialExpression ({BinaryExpression.left=current} op=MultiplicativeBinaryOperator right=ExponentialExpression)*; + +enum ExponentialOp returns BinaryOperator: + POW="^"; + +ExponentialExpression returns Expression: + UnaryExpression ({BinaryExpression.left=current} op=ExponentialOp right=ExponentialExpression)?; + +enum UnaryOp: + NEG="!" | PLUS="+" | MINUS="-" | MAY="may" | MUST="must" | CURRENT="current"; + +UnaryExpression returns Expression: + AggregationExpression | {UnaryExpression} op=UnaryOp body=AggregationExpression; + +AggregationExpression returns Expression: + AtomicExpression | Count | Aggregation; + +Count: + "count" "{" body=Expression "}"; + +enum AggregationOp: + ONLY="only" | SUM="sum" | PROD="prod" | AVG="avg" | MIN="min" | MAX="max"; + +Aggregation: + op=AggregationOp "{" body=Expression "|" condition=Expression "}"; + +AtomicExpression returns Expression: + Reference ({Call.functor=current} -> argumentList=ArgumentList)? | Interval | Literal | "(" Expression ")"; + +Call: + functor=Reference (transitiveClosure?=STAR | reflexiveTransitiveClosure?=PLUS)? argumentList=ArgumentList; + +ArgumentList: + {ArgumentList} "(" (arguments+=Argument ("," arguments+=Argument)*)? ")"; + +Argument: + ExpressionArgument | StarArgument | TypedArgument | TypedStarArgument; + +ExpressionArgument: + body=ComparisonExpression; + +StarArgument: + {StarArgument} "*"; + +TypedArgument: + type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] variable=[NamedElement|QualifiedName]; + +TypedStarArgument: + type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] "*"; + +Reference: + referred=[NamedElement|QualifiedName]; + +Interval: + "[" lowerBound=Expression ".." upperBound=Expression "]"; + +Literal: + LogicLiteral | NumericLiteral | InfinityLiteral | EmptyIntervalLiteral | StringLiteral; + +enum LogicValue: + TRUE="true" | FALSE="false" | UNKNOWN="unknown" | ERROR="error"; + +LogicLiteral: + value=LogicValue; + +NumericLiteral: + value=Real; + +InfinityLiteral: + {InfinityLiteral} "inf"; + +EmptyIntervalLiteral: + {EmptyIntervalLiteral} "empty"; + +StringLiteral: + value=STRING; + +ClassDefinition returns Statement: + abstract?="abstract"? "class" name=ID ("extends" superclasses+=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] ("," superclasses+=[NamedElement|QualifiedName])*)? + "{" members+=MemberDefinition* "}"; + +MemberDefinition: + containment?="contains"? type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] multiplicity=Multiplicity? name=ID ("opposite" opposite=[NamedElement|QualifiedName])? ";"?; + +Multiplicity: + ManyMultiplicity | ExactMultiplicity | BoundedMultiplicity; + +ManyMultiplicity: + {ManyMultiplicity} "[" "]"; + +ExactMultiplicity: + "[" multiplicity=UpperMultiplicty "]"; + +BoundedMultiplicity: + "[" lowerBound=INT ".." upperBound=UpperMultiplicty "]"; + +ScopeDefinition: + ExactScopeDefinition | BoundedScopeDefinition | LowerBoundedScopeDefinition; + +ExactScopeDefinition: + "scope" type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] "==" exactScope=INT; + +BoundedScopeDefinition: + "scope" ( + (lowerBound=INT "<=")? type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] "<=" upperBound=INT | + upperBound=INT ">=" type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] (">=" lowerBound=INT)? + ) "."; + +LowerBoundedScopeDefinition: + "scope" ( + lowerBound=INT "<=" type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] | + type=[NamedElement|QualifiedName] ">=" lowerBound=INT + ) "."; + +enum ObjectiveKind: + MINIMIZE="minimize" | MAXIMIZE="maximize"; + +ObjectiveDefinition: + kind=ObjectiveKind objective=Expression; + +UpperMultiplicty returns ecore::EInt: + INT | "*"; + +Real returns ecore::EBigDecimal hidden(): + INT ("." INT)?; + +QualifiedName hidden(): + ID ("." ID)* | QUOTED_ID; + +@Override +terminal STRING returns ecore::EString: + '"' ( '\\' . /* 'b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\' */ | !('\\'|'"') )* '"'; + +terminal QUOTED_ID returns ecore::EString: + '\'' ( '\\' . /* 'b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\' */ | !('\\'|'\'') )* '\''; + +terminal PLUS: + "synthetic::plus"; + +terminal STAR: + "synthetic::star"; + +terminal DOT: + "synthetic::dot"; + +NamedElement: + name=QualifiedName; + -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf