From b4586542870d0e27b3d6da9fbd3eb30fd36d1d7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: OszkarSemerath Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 17:27:14 +0200 Subject: Regenerated Application Configuration Language --- .../ | 60 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) (limited to 'Application/') diff --git a/Application/ b/Application/ index 44ebcd3c..ce36b4d4 100644 --- a/Application/ +++ b/Application/ @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { - "", "", "", "", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'.'", "'import'", "'epackage'", "'viatra'", "'file'", "'='", "'{'", "','", "'}'", "'package'", "'excluding'", "'::'", "'metamodel'", "'folder'", "'models'", "'patterns'", "'config'", "'log-level'", "'runtime'", "'memory'", "'#'", "'+='", "'<'", "'>'", "'node'", "'int'", "'real'", "'string'", "'*'", "'..'", "'scope'", "'generate'", "'partial-model'", "'number'", "'runs'", "'solver'", "'debug'", "'log'", "'statistics'", "'output'", "'none'", "'normal'", "'full'", "'SMTSolver'", "'AlloySolver'", "'ViatraSolver'" + "", "", "", "", "RULE_ID", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_INT", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'.'", "'import'", "'epackage'", "'viatra'", "'file'", "'='", "'{'", "','", "'}'", "'package'", "'excluding'", "'::'", "'metamodel'", "'folder'", "'models'", "'constraints'", "'config'", "'log-level'", "'runtime'", "'memory'", "'#'", "'+='", "'<'", "'>'", "'node'", "'int'", "'real'", "'string'", "'*'", "'..'", "'scope'", "'generate'", "'partial-model'", "'number'", "'runs'", "'solver'", "'debug'", "'log'", "'statistics'", "'output'", "'none'", "'normal'", "'full'", "'SMTSolver'", "'AlloySolver'", "'ViatraSolver'" }; public static final int T__50=50; public static final int T__19=19; @@ -4409,7 +4409,7 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl // $ANTLR start "ruleGraphPatternDeclaration" - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1588:1: ruleGraphPatternDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'patterns' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) ; + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1588:1: ruleGraphPatternDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'constraints' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleGraphPatternDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; @@ -4422,15 +4422,15 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl enterRule(); try { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1594:2: ( (otherlv_0= 'patterns' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1595:2: (otherlv_0= 'patterns' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1594:2: ( (otherlv_0= 'constraints' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1595:2: (otherlv_0= 'constraints' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1595:2: (otherlv_0= 'patterns' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1596:3: otherlv_0= 'patterns' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1595:2: (otherlv_0= 'constraints' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1596:3: otherlv_0= 'constraints' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) ( (lv_specification_2_0= rulePatternSpecification ) ) { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_6); - newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getGraphPatternDeclarationAccess().getPatternsKeyword_0()); + newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getGraphPatternDeclarationAccess().getConstraintsKeyword_0()); // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1600:3: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) ) // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:1601:4: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_ID ) @@ -9896,7 +9896,7 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl // $ANTLR start "ruleGenerationTask" - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3621:1: ruleGenerationTask returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) ; + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3621:1: ruleGenerationTask returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) ; public final EObject ruleGenerationTask() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; @@ -9954,11 +9954,11 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl enterRule(); try { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3627:2: ( (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3628:2: (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3627:2: ( (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3628:2: (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3628:2: (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3629:3: otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3628:2: (otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3629:3: otherlv_0= 'generate' () otherlv_2= '{' ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) otherlv_40= '}' { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,42,FOLLOW_14); @@ -9979,19 +9979,19 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_2()); - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3644:3: ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3645:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3644:3: ( ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3645:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3645:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3646:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3645:4: ( ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3646:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) { getUnorderedGroupHelper().enter(grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3()); - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3649:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3649:5: ( ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )* loop52: do { int alt52=13; @@ -10160,32 +10160,32 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl } break; case 3 : - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3727:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3727:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) { - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3727:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3728:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3727:4: ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3728:5: {...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) { if ( ! getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3(), 2) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleGenerationTask", "getUnorderedGroupHelper().canSelect(grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3(), 2)"); } - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3728:111: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3729:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3728:111: ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3729:6: ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) { getUnorderedGroupHelper().select(grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getUnorderedGroup_3(), 2); - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:10: {...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:9: ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:10: {...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) { if ( !((true)) ) { throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "ruleGenerationTask", "true"); } - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:19: (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) - // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:20: otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:19: (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) + // InternalApplicationConfiguration.g:3732:20: otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) { otherlv_10=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_10); - newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getPatternsKeyword_3_2_0()); + newLeafNode(otherlv_10, grammarAccess.getGenerationTaskAccess().getConstraintsKeyword_3_2_0()); otherlv_11=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_38); @@ -11315,7 +11315,7 @@ public class InternalApplicationConfigurationParser extends AbstractInternalAntl this.transition = dfa_6; } public String getDescription() { - return "()* loopback of 3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'patterns' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )*"; + return "()* loopback of 3650:6: ( ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_4= 'metamodel' otherlv_5= '=' ( (lv_metamodel_6_0= ruleMetamodel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_7= 'partial-model' otherlv_8= '=' ( (lv_partialModel_9_0= rulePartialModel ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_10= 'constraints' otherlv_11= '=' ( (lv_patterns_12_0= ruleGraphPattern ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_13= 'scope' otherlv_14= '=' ( (lv_scope_15_0= ruleScope ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_numberSpecified_16_0= 'number' ) ) otherlv_17= '=' ( (lv_number_18_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => ( ( (lv_runSpecified_19_0= 'runs' ) ) otherlv_20= '=' ( (lv_runs_21_0= RULE_INT ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_22= 'solver' otherlv_23= '=' ( (lv_solver_24_0= ruleSolver ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_25= 'config' otherlv_26= '=' ( (lv_config_27_0= ruleConfig ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_28= 'debug' otherlv_29= '=' ( (lv_debugFolder_30_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_31= 'log' otherlv_32= '=' ( (lv_targetLogFile_33_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_34= 'statistics' otherlv_35= '=' ( (lv_targetStatisticsFile_36_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) | ({...}? => ( ({...}? => (otherlv_37= 'output' otherlv_38= '=' ( (lv_tagetFolder_39_0= ruleFile ) ) ) ) ) ) )*"; } public int specialStateTransition(int s, IntStream _input) throws NoViableAltException { TokenStream input = (TokenStream)_input; -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf